The Adventures of The Port Vale Crew. A bunch of lovely ladies I am proud to call friends. Likes: Robbie Williams & his Music, Football, Comedy, Playing Pool, Take That, Bowling, Going to the Theatre (usually to see Jonny Wilkes or JK as Robbie!) Playing Laydee Lympics, Generally having fun and enjoying life. Dislikes: Haters, liars, cheats. Trains and planes that are late. So pull up a chair and a brew... sit back... relax and follow our journey of fun and friendship!
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Sunday, 20 December 2009
When JK (and the Alma Hotel) got CREWED!
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Alma Hotel Stockport,
JK as Robbie,
PV Crew,
Robbie Williams
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Sam's PV Road Trip... Norfcuk, Leeds Leeds Leeds, Jonny in Bristol, Cheshire and Londonnnn Baby (oh and Electric Proms!)
October and well this has to be the month of the year for me. I arrange my week holiday without the said hubby.
The tickets get announced for Electric Proms. Running into trouble trying to buy these from seetickets and running into major hassle calling into Customer (Don't) Care, I decide to do one of my blinding emails to the boss of seetickets... Well; I've nothing to lose. Getting a surprise phone call later that day it seems that I had everything to gain - as in tickets! WOOP! After changing my flights and getting a partner in crime (Debs) who kindly steps in with a bed for me, I'm extending my PV Crew week to 10 days!! With a FAB finale!!
1st stop - Renas. Rena collects me from the train station and the fun starts. We head for a lovely boozy lunch and catch up! Gorge grub, thanks hun! Stopping at the alright mate shop we get a few goodies and head back to Renas. XFactor night and Rob is on. Rena has a full cocktail cabinet and lots of nibbles! A good night head methinks.
Totally spoilt by Rena... she runs me a bath with candles and everything. Bless you hun, the spoil-o-meter was on full that night!! Rena's bezzie mate Chelle comes over and it was lovely to finally meet her! We crack the cocktails and after xfactor crank up the music. Dancin around Renas front room we have more drinks and laughs! Not one to be broke, I start with the flaming sambucas. (sorry mate! xx) Rena sat in her kitchen surrounded by the blow up mattress trying to blow it up manually without the pump was just priceless! And I remember the flaming sambucas the next morning - a war wound on my hand (for a week after) to prove what a good night it was!
Sunday and Rena takes me for a right good Sunday lunch. Yummmmmmy! We head to the seaside and the arcades for a while with the kids and then back to Renas to watch Rob do Bodies on XFactor. A couple of Taboo and lemos which are my faves, along with great company and my fave pop star on the tellybox. Great way to end the weekend...
Thanks to all the Cowens (incl Rena's nan!) for having me over and making me feel so at home!
Rena drops me at the train station on Monday morning. Gutted to be leaving, I had such a lovely and fabtastic time! Heading on the train to Leeds and a cpl of hours later I'm there! 2nd stop - Leeds Leeds Leeds. Paula and Den waiting at the train station, and before you can say YAMAN we are at Chez Pineson. Paula got the Rose wine chilling and some lovely Lemon Chicken on the go for dinner. We have a catch up and watch some more Rob on the tellybox. Well you can never have too much of a certain Mr Robbie Williams!
I'm missing Rena thou and this seems to be the theme for the rest of the trip - as I head to one place I miss the people I left behind in the previous one...
Anyhoo back at Paula's I'm being treated yet again. Meet Jane (whos coming on the Xmas do) and have a deelish dinner. Paula gets the Pimms on the go and Keihra decides to whoop my ass at Guitar Hero!! What a laugh!! I'm in the all new PV Crew bedroom which is well nice and cozy - thanks Den, K and Paula for making it so lovely.
On Tuesday morning we get up and have a noice brekkie. Respect to that Pineson. Den takes us down to Morribogs where we get some supplies for Bristol. Well when I say we I actually mean Paula. As I didnt get served any booze because I had no ID. WTF is that about?!?! Seeing as I paid with my credit card aswell I must have been over 18 you crazy checkout lady. Paula was laughing her head off, to be fair it was priceless! (for everything else, theres Mastercard but not if you're under age! )
Den drops us at the train station and we head off to meet Louise in Bristol. Lots of texts and calls. and laughs. And we're not even there yet!!
When we arrive in Bristol Lou is already there. We hail a cab and head to the apartment. What a place. Tis fab and posh and lovely.
We settle in and unpack, filling the fridge with booze. The concierge tells us there are some take away menus in the folder and we order a chinese... YUM!! Chicken Froid Roiiiiice!
So with a certain Mr Robbie Williams on the tellybox (you see a pattern forming here?!?) and also lots of Jonny too in anticipation of tomorrow night (We Will, We Will Rock You!) we have a right good catch up. Plenty of booze in the fridge to keep us going, so we kick off our shoes and relax!
We stick on Man Olympics and it reminds us of our 1st proper PV meet when we did the grape challenge. Laydee Lympics team was formed in honour of Man Olympics and will be back playing competitively in December! WOOP WOOP! Back to the DVD and Mr Jonathan Wilkes is the winner! Which sets us up nicely for the following day.
We head into the City Centre to collect our tickets and find our way around. The obligatory Subway was consumed (Subway, official food of the PV Crew!) and we head down to the waterside and find a lovely bar - on a boat! oh and some fountains for Paula!!! The sun was cracking the flags, I kid you not. October and we are sat outside in tshirts. Brilliant.
After sussing out what we are doing and where we are heading later, we mosey on back to the apartment to get ready. The sound system in the apartment is wicked so stick some MORE Rob on and Paula and I do our own version of Bodies. Proper PMSL moment with the security guy stood outside on his phone looking at where the noise is coming from!!!
All glammed up we head over to the theatre (darrrrlink!)
The show - well what can I say? Fantastic. For all the Jonny haters you should go watch it. The boy can certainly sing. After every song we are wooping and shouting his name and upstairs everyone is looking at us but we dont care! Jonny has a few glimpses up to us and we are going a little bit mental!
At the end of the show we try and head out quickly but the people next to me are not for moving... so we head down some other stairs. Nice work as its right next to the stage door. What a find! Literally 30 seconds after we get outside someone heads out of the Stage Door. Its Jonny. OMG! He looks real cute and still glammed up in his theatre make up!
He is of course heading away... gotta run the car is waiting etc... you know how it is! So we ask him will he sign our programs. No problem duck, pass us a pen then! Cue Paula with her Royal Armouries biro... classic! Then we ask for a pic... ok then girls. So I thrust my camera into this lady's hand and tell her to push HERE! considering I took her completely by surprise and she had never used my camera before we got a top pic. Thanks lady!! Lou then comes out with a cracker of a question- about Soccer Aid next year...
And Jonny gives us the news that we wanted, that there will be a Soccer Aid. Then in one breath as he is running away I shout after him about how great he was, how great the show was, how we loved him at Soccer Aid at Wembley and we were the ones in the corner on the front row with the banner. (and breathe and relaxxxx Marantha!)
He stops, turns on his heels and looks straight at us shouting the date, with both hands in the air, "its Old Trafford, Old Trafford! June 6th!!" Brilliant. Sharing the news with the rest of the crew, we already have plans to get the time booked off, to be sure like... and incase it all comes off we will be there!!!
The next day we say our goodbyes - again I'm gutted to be leaving Paula and Louise behind - and I hop on the train to see my folks. Whilst there I arrange to meet Cary and we head for dinner and cocktails. Catching up on all the advertures so far, I fill Cary in with all the news with gusto. Looking as great as ever, she orders a few cocktails for us - good job as I was all at sixes and sevens. Tiredness mixed with giddiness! Cary couldnt get a word in thou - sorry hun. Saying that it was FAB to see her as it was the 1st time seeing her since Take That... looking forward to seeing ya again hun!! and well done on your very own Rob moment at Loose Women which was to come only a cpl of weeks after thinking you had missed out! xxx
Hooked up with a couple of old school friends on the Fri night and had a right good catch up. Drinks of course. My liver at this stage is taking a bit of a battering!!!
Saturday I'm heading over to Manchester to meet Hubby and my mates Mags & Jonny from Cork at the Man Utd v Bolton match at Old Trafford. Of course my team get beat but it was a great day. Lovely to see everyone....Sunday brings lunch with the inlaws and some quality time with hubby. Before I head for my final part of the travels.
The train to London on Monday. Meeting with Debs when she finishes work. Before Debs whisks me back to her place we stop off at Yates for a drink and a catch up. We plan our route to Camden the following day and have a good old chin wag about all the news from the previous week! Debs takes me back to her place and I meet M, who is just as lovely as I thought! My other half was saying the PV Crew blokes have a right rough time of it whilst we are off gallavanting!! pmsl!! They love it really! But it was lovely to finally meet all the fellas who were spot on with the hospitality and taxi service for me too! A big big thanks to you all for putting me up and taking me places!!
So we head up to Camden on the tube. Seeing two queues we find out one is for tickets & bands and the other is for admission. The queue is not that bad although its not moving quickly. We find out later this is due to the checks they put in place due to the scammers who were selling on ebay. They were checking all IDs and it was good to see that it was enforced!!
We meet a cpl of lovely girls in the queue - Gemma & Sarah - and after a fleeting visit down at the security gate by Rob we finally get out tickets and wristbands! OMG this is really happening!
Heading to the watering hole over the road for a cpl of cheeky vodkas we decide on pizza and head over to the queue to take our place. Vodka in one hand and pizza in the other we find Gemma & Sarah for the 2nd time and start speculating on who is in the blacked out cars that keep flying by us.
We head into the Roundhouse, how small and intimate is the venue? This is really happening, it hits us that in an hour we will be seeing our fave pop star right here, in front of us!!
Whilst we are not at the barrier, we are not far from the front and are dead centre with the main mic stand. Getting excited and nervous at the same time.
EEK! Electric Proms 2009 at the Roundhouse. The place is filling up, the celebs are taking their spots in the gallery above us. We see James Corden, Will Young, Ant & Dec, Fearne Cotton, Chris Evans, Peter from Dragons Den... we are told in the next days papers that a lot more celebs are there too to see a certain King of Pop take back his crown!
Trevor Horn comes out to introduce Rob. Very low key affair in comparison to other introductions but so perfect for the occasion. And then the fun begins. I cant put into words how or what happened in the next 90 mins but what I can tell you is that it was amazing. The edited version of what was on the Beeb later that evening did not do it justice. The orchestra. The lovely opera singer. Anne Dudley on piano. The familiar faces of Gary, Neil and Jerry. Trevor Horn the legend that is right there. And our fave, Mr Robbie Williams nestled in amongst them. Singing his heart out, looking so relaxed. So happy. Sang the classics the best I've ever heard them. Sang the new ones like he meant them. Lots of interaction and banter with the crowd. And Ayda. Lovely to see him so loved up and happy. The set list was just right, mix of old and new. The full set list if I remember was:
Bodies....Morning Sun....Come Undone....Blasphemy....Starstruck....Feel....I Will Talk And Hollywood Will Listen....Supreme....Deceptacon....No Regrets....Won’t Do That....You Know Me....Angels....Millennium....Video Killed The Radio Star. A bit of do do doo do do do do dooo do do do do do do doo doo dooooo and Rudebox thrown in too for good measure!
Video Killed the Radio Star was awesome. If youre looking for a B-side get that on it! You could just tell that Blasphemy was a Chambers collaberation. The opening to Bodies was sooo good, the orchestra and lights really made it. Starstruck was fantastic with the George dancing... just doesnt sound the same on the album if you get me! IWTAHWL blew me away, I've never heard that one live before and it just made me smile from ear to ear. The crowd were up for it, and I just loved every minute of it. Debs and I were smiling the whole way thru. Met Kriss later on the way out and she said the exact same! Totally fecking brilliant. My 5th time at a Rob live gig, and by far the best. You nailed it that night Mr Robbie Williams and I loved the fact that all the press were eating their words the following day. Simply brilliant.
So heading back home to work the next day was a massive comedown. 4am the next day and I'm on my way to the airport. Big thanks to M for getting up and running me to Stansted. Ended up back in work at 8am and on a massive downer. Although I didnt take my wristband off for days!!
What a holiday. I would never have thought it would be so action packed when I first booked it off. And Mr Williams - you have followed me thru it. PV Crew road trips rock - here's to another one soon!
The tickets get announced for Electric Proms. Running into trouble trying to buy these from seetickets and running into major hassle calling into Customer (Don't) Care, I decide to do one of my blinding emails to the boss of seetickets... Well; I've nothing to lose. Getting a surprise phone call later that day it seems that I had everything to gain - as in tickets! WOOP! After changing my flights and getting a partner in crime (Debs) who kindly steps in with a bed for me, I'm extending my PV Crew week to 10 days!! With a FAB finale!!
1st stop - Renas. Rena collects me from the train station and the fun starts. We head for a lovely boozy lunch and catch up! Gorge grub, thanks hun! Stopping at the alright mate shop we get a few goodies and head back to Renas. XFactor night and Rob is on. Rena has a full cocktail cabinet and lots of nibbles! A good night head methinks.
Totally spoilt by Rena... she runs me a bath with candles and everything. Bless you hun, the spoil-o-meter was on full that night!! Rena's bezzie mate Chelle comes over and it was lovely to finally meet her! We crack the cocktails and after xfactor crank up the music. Dancin around Renas front room we have more drinks and laughs! Not one to be broke, I start with the flaming sambucas. (sorry mate! xx) Rena sat in her kitchen surrounded by the blow up mattress trying to blow it up manually without the pump was just priceless! And I remember the flaming sambucas the next morning - a war wound on my hand (for a week after) to prove what a good night it was!
Sunday and Rena takes me for a right good Sunday lunch. Yummmmmmy! We head to the seaside and the arcades for a while with the kids and then back to Renas to watch Rob do Bodies on XFactor. A couple of Taboo and lemos which are my faves, along with great company and my fave pop star on the tellybox. Great way to end the weekend...
Thanks to all the Cowens (incl Rena's nan!) for having me over and making me feel so at home!
Rena drops me at the train station on Monday morning. Gutted to be leaving, I had such a lovely and fabtastic time! Heading on the train to Leeds and a cpl of hours later I'm there! 2nd stop - Leeds Leeds Leeds. Paula and Den waiting at the train station, and before you can say YAMAN we are at Chez Pineson. Paula got the Rose wine chilling and some lovely Lemon Chicken on the go for dinner. We have a catch up and watch some more Rob on the tellybox. Well you can never have too much of a certain Mr Robbie Williams!
I'm missing Rena thou and this seems to be the theme for the rest of the trip - as I head to one place I miss the people I left behind in the previous one...
Anyhoo back at Paula's I'm being treated yet again. Meet Jane (whos coming on the Xmas do) and have a deelish dinner. Paula gets the Pimms on the go and Keihra decides to whoop my ass at Guitar Hero!! What a laugh!! I'm in the all new PV Crew bedroom which is well nice and cozy - thanks Den, K and Paula for making it so lovely.
On Tuesday morning we get up and have a noice brekkie. Respect to that Pineson. Den takes us down to Morribogs where we get some supplies for Bristol. Well when I say we I actually mean Paula. As I didnt get served any booze because I had no ID. WTF is that about?!?! Seeing as I paid with my credit card aswell I must have been over 18 you crazy checkout lady. Paula was laughing her head off, to be fair it was priceless! (for everything else, theres Mastercard but not if you're under age! )
Den drops us at the train station and we head off to meet Louise in Bristol. Lots of texts and calls. and laughs. And we're not even there yet!!
When we arrive in Bristol Lou is already there. We hail a cab and head to the apartment. What a place. Tis fab and posh and lovely.
We settle in and unpack, filling the fridge with booze. The concierge tells us there are some take away menus in the folder and we order a chinese... YUM!! Chicken Froid Roiiiiice!
So with a certain Mr Robbie Williams on the tellybox (you see a pattern forming here?!?) and also lots of Jonny too in anticipation of tomorrow night (We Will, We Will Rock You!) we have a right good catch up. Plenty of booze in the fridge to keep us going, so we kick off our shoes and relax!
We stick on Man Olympics and it reminds us of our 1st proper PV meet when we did the grape challenge. Laydee Lympics team was formed in honour of Man Olympics and will be back playing competitively in December! WOOP WOOP! Back to the DVD and Mr Jonathan Wilkes is the winner! Which sets us up nicely for the following day.
We head into the City Centre to collect our tickets and find our way around. The obligatory Subway was consumed (Subway, official food of the PV Crew!) and we head down to the waterside and find a lovely bar - on a boat! oh and some fountains for Paula!!! The sun was cracking the flags, I kid you not. October and we are sat outside in tshirts. Brilliant.
After sussing out what we are doing and where we are heading later, we mosey on back to the apartment to get ready. The sound system in the apartment is wicked so stick some MORE Rob on and Paula and I do our own version of Bodies. Proper PMSL moment with the security guy stood outside on his phone looking at where the noise is coming from!!!
All glammed up we head over to the theatre (darrrrlink!)
The show - well what can I say? Fantastic. For all the Jonny haters you should go watch it. The boy can certainly sing. After every song we are wooping and shouting his name and upstairs everyone is looking at us but we dont care! Jonny has a few glimpses up to us and we are going a little bit mental!
At the end of the show we try and head out quickly but the people next to me are not for moving... so we head down some other stairs. Nice work as its right next to the stage door. What a find! Literally 30 seconds after we get outside someone heads out of the Stage Door. Its Jonny. OMG! He looks real cute and still glammed up in his theatre make up!
He is of course heading away... gotta run the car is waiting etc... you know how it is! So we ask him will he sign our programs. No problem duck, pass us a pen then! Cue Paula with her Royal Armouries biro... classic! Then we ask for a pic... ok then girls. So I thrust my camera into this lady's hand and tell her to push HERE! considering I took her completely by surprise and she had never used my camera before we got a top pic. Thanks lady!! Lou then comes out with a cracker of a question- about Soccer Aid next year...
And Jonny gives us the news that we wanted, that there will be a Soccer Aid. Then in one breath as he is running away I shout after him about how great he was, how great the show was, how we loved him at Soccer Aid at Wembley and we were the ones in the corner on the front row with the banner. (and breathe and relaxxxx Marantha!)
He stops, turns on his heels and looks straight at us shouting the date, with both hands in the air, "its Old Trafford, Old Trafford! June 6th!!" Brilliant. Sharing the news with the rest of the crew, we already have plans to get the time booked off, to be sure like... and incase it all comes off we will be there!!!
The next day we say our goodbyes - again I'm gutted to be leaving Paula and Louise behind - and I hop on the train to see my folks. Whilst there I arrange to meet Cary and we head for dinner and cocktails. Catching up on all the advertures so far, I fill Cary in with all the news with gusto. Looking as great as ever, she orders a few cocktails for us - good job as I was all at sixes and sevens. Tiredness mixed with giddiness! Cary couldnt get a word in thou - sorry hun. Saying that it was FAB to see her as it was the 1st time seeing her since Take That... looking forward to seeing ya again hun!! and well done on your very own Rob moment at Loose Women which was to come only a cpl of weeks after thinking you had missed out! xxx
Hooked up with a couple of old school friends on the Fri night and had a right good catch up. Drinks of course. My liver at this stage is taking a bit of a battering!!!
Saturday I'm heading over to Manchester to meet Hubby and my mates Mags & Jonny from Cork at the Man Utd v Bolton match at Old Trafford. Of course my team get beat but it was a great day. Lovely to see everyone....Sunday brings lunch with the inlaws and some quality time with hubby. Before I head for my final part of the travels.
The train to London on Monday. Meeting with Debs when she finishes work. Before Debs whisks me back to her place we stop off at Yates for a drink and a catch up. We plan our route to Camden the following day and have a good old chin wag about all the news from the previous week! Debs takes me back to her place and I meet M, who is just as lovely as I thought! My other half was saying the PV Crew blokes have a right rough time of it whilst we are off gallavanting!! pmsl!! They love it really! But it was lovely to finally meet all the fellas who were spot on with the hospitality and taxi service for me too! A big big thanks to you all for putting me up and taking me places!!
So we head up to Camden on the tube. Seeing two queues we find out one is for tickets & bands and the other is for admission. The queue is not that bad although its not moving quickly. We find out later this is due to the checks they put in place due to the scammers who were selling on ebay. They were checking all IDs and it was good to see that it was enforced!!
We meet a cpl of lovely girls in the queue - Gemma & Sarah - and after a fleeting visit down at the security gate by Rob we finally get out tickets and wristbands! OMG this is really happening!
Heading to the watering hole over the road for a cpl of cheeky vodkas we decide on pizza and head over to the queue to take our place. Vodka in one hand and pizza in the other we find Gemma & Sarah for the 2nd time and start speculating on who is in the blacked out cars that keep flying by us.
We head into the Roundhouse, how small and intimate is the venue? This is really happening, it hits us that in an hour we will be seeing our fave pop star right here, in front of us!!
Whilst we are not at the barrier, we are not far from the front and are dead centre with the main mic stand. Getting excited and nervous at the same time.
EEK! Electric Proms 2009 at the Roundhouse. The place is filling up, the celebs are taking their spots in the gallery above us. We see James Corden, Will Young, Ant & Dec, Fearne Cotton, Chris Evans, Peter from Dragons Den... we are told in the next days papers that a lot more celebs are there too to see a certain King of Pop take back his crown!
Trevor Horn comes out to introduce Rob. Very low key affair in comparison to other introductions but so perfect for the occasion. And then the fun begins. I cant put into words how or what happened in the next 90 mins but what I can tell you is that it was amazing. The edited version of what was on the Beeb later that evening did not do it justice. The orchestra. The lovely opera singer. Anne Dudley on piano. The familiar faces of Gary, Neil and Jerry. Trevor Horn the legend that is right there. And our fave, Mr Robbie Williams nestled in amongst them. Singing his heart out, looking so relaxed. So happy. Sang the classics the best I've ever heard them. Sang the new ones like he meant them. Lots of interaction and banter with the crowd. And Ayda. Lovely to see him so loved up and happy. The set list was just right, mix of old and new. The full set list if I remember was:
Bodies....Morning Sun....Come Undone....Blasphemy....Starstruck....Feel....I Will Talk And Hollywood Will Listen....Supreme....Deceptacon....No Regrets....Won’t Do That....You Know Me....Angels....Millennium....Video Killed The Radio Star. A bit of do do doo do do do do dooo do do do do do do doo doo dooooo and Rudebox thrown in too for good measure!
Video Killed the Radio Star was awesome. If youre looking for a B-side get that on it! You could just tell that Blasphemy was a Chambers collaberation. The opening to Bodies was sooo good, the orchestra and lights really made it. Starstruck was fantastic with the George dancing... just doesnt sound the same on the album if you get me! IWTAHWL blew me away, I've never heard that one live before and it just made me smile from ear to ear. The crowd were up for it, and I just loved every minute of it. Debs and I were smiling the whole way thru. Met Kriss later on the way out and she said the exact same! Totally fecking brilliant. My 5th time at a Rob live gig, and by far the best. You nailed it that night Mr Robbie Williams and I loved the fact that all the press were eating their words the following day. Simply brilliant.
So heading back home to work the next day was a massive comedown. 4am the next day and I'm on my way to the airport. Big thanks to M for getting up and running me to Stansted. Ended up back in work at 8am and on a massive downer. Although I didnt take my wristband off for days!!
What a holiday. I would never have thought it would be so action packed when I first booked it off. And Mr Williams - you have followed me thru it. PV Crew road trips rock - here's to another one soon!
Electric Proms,
Jonathan Wilkes,
PV Crew,
Robbie Williams,
Soccer Aid,
We Will Rock You,
X Factor
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
When the PV Crew decided to Take That..... and Partyyyy!
Where do I start??
The 2 weeks before the gig were a little turbulent to say the least. Seetickets messed up the shipping of the tickets, the tshirts I got printed were wrong and I got made redundant! So as you can expect I was thinking is this ever going to happen and will it run smoothly?
Having to collect my Rob tickets for Roundhay Park from the Box Office meant that I wasn't in a great spot and I was hoping and "Pray"ing that it wouldnt be the case this time.
Getting ready to travel to London on Friday, I heard from Tinks that she had managed to secure a GA ticket too and was going to drive to and from London on the same day! Now thats dedication! So I pack up, with the reprinted t-shirts, pacamacs, sweets, plasters, wet wipes, nurofen... you get the picture! I was like a friggin Boots Chemist! All into my rucksack with the idea that I would be travelling light - pffft fat chance!
Head to the airport and sink a Pear Bulmers - yummmm! Plane leaves on time, lovely voddy en-route and then before I can catch my breath we are landing at Stansted. The Stansted "EXPRESS" was far from it and an hour and a half later I'm still on the train! Thankfully, Lou was already at the hotel, checked in with a little carpet picnic. Well when I say little I'm not actually telling the truth. (A bit like the Stansted Express LMAO!)
It was HUGE! 3 bottles of Rose Wine, Chipsticks, Bacon Fries, Sweets, Chocolate, Toblerone, Nuts.... Planned to be there just in time for Maxie on telly but alas was not meant to be.
Finally got to the hotel around 10.15 and checked in, straight up to the room and big hugs all round from Louise. I had also brought a few guests in my bag... as Debs was going to the gig with her pool team mates and Rena wasn't coming this time, I decided to bring them with us! So in my bag there were pics of them which we fed, watered, showered, took on the tube, to the pub and to the gig! They even made some new friends.... but more about that later!
So we got stuck into the picnic and Lou put the lads on the ipod - nice one Lou with the speakers!
We're proper in the mood now and are catching up, chatting over good old times and thinking about the new ones coming up tomorrow!
Around 2.30am we head to bed - well not before Louise and I get a fit of the giggles after brushing Debs teeth!!!

Next morning, we are up and at em around 7.30. Mooching around and chilling, we decide to get ready before heading for breakfast. When I say ready I mean put on the t-shirts! At breakfast we can see people trying to read them front and back and we are getting some funny looks and some sly smiles!
Update texts from the rest of the girls come thick and fast and we start getting excited.
Check in is 3pm, but after I smooth-talk the guy on Reception, he calls housekeeping and they get the girls room ready for 12! Meaning they can check in and freshen up before we head away. It's all coming together nicely...
My phone rings and I don't get to answer it in time because... I'm at the bar! Well it would be rude not to! I get back to the table and in walks Gemma and Sarah! Sarah is Gemmas mother in law but one cool dudette!
Introductions over, they take the weight off their feet and we sit and wait.... for PINESON!
We don't have to wait too long, about 10 minutes and in walks Paula, as bouncy as ever. We start the introductions again and the Crew are now 6. Well 8 if you include Rena and Debs!!!
So we down our drinks, get the girls checked in and they change into their tshirts. I was really pleased with how they came out in the end - panic averted!!

We head for the tube and we're on our way to Wembley.... Off at Wembley Park and it feels like we are home. Tinksy texts and lets us know she is not far, we are getting excited. Gemma and Sarah stop and look at the stadium, you can't help but smile when you see the place!
Down the road, after a few beeping cars and mad waving we head into the Sports Bar. We have not been in since Soccer Aid last September but its like we were never away! The old faces were there and some new ones too - Mo and Rickyyyy were laughing and after lots of hugs got the beers in. Louise asked for some vino to be chilled for later, courtesy of Den, and we find our seats. As usual we make friends with a few new peeps, a group of girls swap stories with us of how they are sooo excited and we do the same! They are happy to oblige when we ask for piccies and we get Rena and Debs in on the action!

A couple of drinks later, we decide to make like a banana and split. Ticket office beckons. Its not open till 4 allegedly and I am getting anxious about queuing. So Saz and I head to Wembley; Gemma, Sarah, Lou and Paula head to Maccy Ds to get some supplies. Oh and we pick up Mr Smirnoff on the way too - cheeky!!
Cary calls and we arrange to meet her at gate M - her ticket is for there which is cool as is Paulas. I'm hoping that ours is the same so we can all queue together. Its about 1.30 now and its warm and sunny. No pacamacs required! Woop woop!
As we walk up Wembley Way we see a familiar face at the top...its Cary! So more hugs and kisses...
I was under strict instructions from Rena to give Tinks a big snog (no tongues mind!) and we set off for the ticket office to chance me arm and try and get the tickets a wee bit earlier.
At the ticket office, the guy is happy to oblige and we introduce him to Rena and Debs. He wonders WTF we are on but it all becomes clear once we explain! After handing us the tickets he wishes us a good day. And we know its just going to be the Greatest....We head for the ramp to start queuing... but we have to queue at the opposite gate to Cary and Paula
I head over to one of the stewards - Sean - who tells me we do need to go to gate G. I explain the mix up with our tickets and that we dont want to get split up - that we have come from all over England, Wales and Ireland. Turns out he has family in Cork and has lived in Leeds so we start the charm offensive on him and soon he is won over!
In the queue we get chatting to some mother and daughter friends who are looking forward to seeing the lads too. The queue for the loo outside the stadium is unreal - Pervy Paula is queuing for so long and getting very borderline for needing the tenas (literally) that when she eventually gets in the loo, she gets a big cheer and clap from all the other girls
Back at the ramp, all the girls are back and we crack open the Pink Champagne that Saz & I have gotten for Pervys Birthday! Louise remembers the cups and we pass the drink around, including to our new mates Claire and her mum! By return they dish out Rose' Wine and Pimms - and again the Birthday Girl gets some of her fave tipple!!!
Its getting close to 4pm and the stewards start getting us on our feet. We are all getting giddy and even though that Cary and Louise have both seen the show already they are worse than us lot!!
We get the OK to enter the stadium, OMG - this is gonna be good!! "Dont run!" shout the stewards... pfft as if we think so with a very fast WALK we head inside. OMG we are heading in near the stage... OMG theres room at the front... and so we manage to bag a fine spot on the front row right in front of the left hand side stage!!

With bowlers hats and red noses, we start to get to know the stewards on the front row and they get into the spirit of things especially when they tell us they're from LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS!!
Paula and Gemma head for beers, Cary starts snapping and me and Lou get to work on the banner. The stewards once again are happy to help when we fix the banner on the front of the barrier and we are getting excited at the anticipation of what is to come later that evening. As we look around the stadium is starting to fill behind us. The sea of people that are on the pitch is making the stadium swell and the seats around and above us are slowly filling up.
It's nearly time for the 1st support - Gary Go. Not bad he is, can certainly play and with a few catchy tunes. Gemma says that its very apt that hes called Gary Gay - what a faux pax!!
Next its Lady GaGa... well all I can say is I wish we had The Script or James Morrison... What a load of cack.
She looked crazy, she spoke a load of twaddle and when she sang... sorry mimed.... pffft!
I mean when you can hear the artist singing but you look and they are not at the mic and not moving their lips you know that are using playback & miming. Considering she didnt even show up for the 2 shows last weekend I would have hated to be a fan of hers as it would've left me feeling so let down. Total lack of respect for her fans. I could have easy poked her face I can tell you
After that, we were getting excitererated!

We called Debs and found out she was sat above us to the left, frantic waving occured (what occuring!!???) and Lou even managed to snap her in the crowd! Priceless!!
The stewards were asking us about the PV Crew and other general chit chat, we handed out haribo and then had friends for life!! They even took piccies for us with the banner and not once were we waiting for water as it was such a humid day. They dished it out no bother and kept checking that we were ok...
From our vantage point we could see behind the main stage and a load of Cloud Clowns were milling around with balloons. Lou and Saz waved and they waved back!
Next they made their way into the crowd and you knew it was nearly time... The pulley started to make its way, being wound slowly, up the BStage and everyone waited with baited breath... The hot air balloon was met with 100s of colourful balloons... they were raised into the air... the lads appeared... and the Greatest Day just got a whole lot better for the Crew!! Cue bouncing!!The set list was unknown to us all - cept for Lou and Cary. They did a fab job of not letting any surprises out of the bag! Which was just fantastic as we didnt know what came next...
Lots of dancing, swaying, a few tears and lots of laughs whilst the lads got stuck into:
Greatest Day :Superb opening, very fitting!
Hello: Love this song so kept me smiling!
Could It Be Magic: After the Barry Manilow version at the last concert I wasn't expecting to hear this... but so glad I did!
Pray: One of my old faves, esp the dance moves like the old days!
Million Love Songs: Gary at his crooning best! A few tears from Gemma!
Back For Good: They certainly were...and the rain came down on the BStage!
The Garden: Mark gave it socks on this one - loved it! So did Tinks - bless her xx
Shine: Another faultless performance from Mark - makes me think of Morrisons thou!
Up All Night: All the girls bouncing for this one
Wooden Boat : Jason did a fab job... loved him on this track on the last tour, he seemed to have grown into this song since then!
How Did It Come To This: Belting performance from Jason
The Circus: Clown time
What Is Love: Not one of my faves off the album but omg it got me right there live... totally blew me away. Howard - legend.
Medley: Do What You Like, Promises, It Only Takes A Minute, Take That And PartyIf youre going to do a medley, why not make it your own?!?! Classic tunes, classic moves, pure class
Said It All: At this point I was just in awe... all the girls were!
Never Forget: We wont!
Patience: Gary said this was their comeback song... for some of us they were never away!
Relight My Fire: Plenty of flames fanned at this point - hot hot hot!
Hold Up A Light: Spinning lights that formed the TT logo when spun fast, the cast whipped up a frenzy with this one
Rule The World: The final song. What an ending. There were a few tears all round, it was just amazing and they certainly did Rule our World that night!
Thrown in for good measure was Gary... with only a piano and a few classics of Love aint Here Any More, Babe and Nobody Else... cue lots of
At the end it was mentioned that Mark said he would "like to thank the Crew...."
Mark - the pleasure was all ours!
So the gig finishes and we head up Wembley way... 86000 people and we meet DEBS!! What a classic PV moment!
Gemma is felling a bit poorly due to her cold so her and Sarah say they are getting off. Saz decides to join them - well its been quite a night. Cary gives more hugs and kisses and heads back to her car - shame she couldnt come and play but it was blardy FAB to see her!!
So me, Paula and Lou decide to be hardcore and head back to the Sports Bar.
They crack open the chilled vino for us and we get stuck in
The lads in the Bar ask if we were on the tellllly again.... well we tell them we dont know but we were at the front with a new banner. Trust you... they say!!!
Heading for the last tube at 0.25 we walk with a heavy heart and tired feet over to the tube. The steward tells us that the last southbound tube has gone - of course you can guess where we were going....!!
Sooo - we ask about the bus and jump on the 83 to Golders Green, like we know where we are going...
We dont!! So we ask the bus driver - his reply is that he doesnt know either!
God we are fudged if the driver doesnt know where hes going
One of the ladies who was working at Wembley tells us we need to get the night bus at the last stop - cool, thanks lady. We get chatting to this guy in a Tux on the bus. He's Neil and he is just returning from his mates wedding...
He thinks we are funny as we snap piccies at the back of the bus...
So the bus gets to the end of the road and we hop off, and on to the night bus. Cept the night bus is empty, closed and has no driver.
Neil asks us where we are going, we tell him and he lives just around the corner. We tell him we dont know around the corner, in fact we dont know where we are but he gladly flags us a taxi down and directs the taxi driver. We tell him to hop in (3 of us, 1 of him, we'll ave 'im if he starts!) and the taxi driver is loving our tales of the concert!
So we stop outside the takeaway at the end of the road near our hotel. Neil hops out and hands over the cash for the taxi, we pay half as its only fair and he hustles Paulas bowler hat as it suits him! LMAO!!
We head into the chipper for food, Neil waves bye and its Chicken Wraps and Chips all round. Back at the hotel, we decide to have one for the road in the bar before we hit the hay... talking about the fun we had and what a gig it was... A few guys in the bar overhear and they ask us where we have been. Turns out they were working up the road that night at a venue where James Morrison was playing.. they were doing his lights. That kinda explains why we were stuck with Lady GAGA....
Finishing our drinks and chips its 3am and we call it a day... the Greatest Day...!!
The 2 weeks before the gig were a little turbulent to say the least. Seetickets messed up the shipping of the tickets, the tshirts I got printed were wrong and I got made redundant! So as you can expect I was thinking is this ever going to happen and will it run smoothly?
Having to collect my Rob tickets for Roundhay Park from the Box Office meant that I wasn't in a great spot and I was hoping and "Pray"ing that it wouldnt be the case this time.
Getting ready to travel to London on Friday, I heard from Tinks that she had managed to secure a GA ticket too and was going to drive to and from London on the same day! Now thats dedication! So I pack up, with the reprinted t-shirts, pacamacs, sweets, plasters, wet wipes, nurofen... you get the picture! I was like a friggin Boots Chemist! All into my rucksack with the idea that I would be travelling light - pffft fat chance!
Head to the airport and sink a Pear Bulmers - yummmm! Plane leaves on time, lovely voddy en-route and then before I can catch my breath we are landing at Stansted. The Stansted "EXPRESS" was far from it and an hour and a half later I'm still on the train! Thankfully, Lou was already at the hotel, checked in with a little carpet picnic. Well when I say little I'm not actually telling the truth. (A bit like the Stansted Express LMAO!)
It was HUGE! 3 bottles of Rose Wine, Chipsticks, Bacon Fries, Sweets, Chocolate, Toblerone, Nuts.... Planned to be there just in time for Maxie on telly but alas was not meant to be.
Finally got to the hotel around 10.15 and checked in, straight up to the room and big hugs all round from Louise. I had also brought a few guests in my bag... as Debs was going to the gig with her pool team mates and Rena wasn't coming this time, I decided to bring them with us! So in my bag there were pics of them which we fed, watered, showered, took on the tube, to the pub and to the gig! They even made some new friends.... but more about that later!
So we got stuck into the picnic and Lou put the lads on the ipod - nice one Lou with the speakers!
We're proper in the mood now and are catching up, chatting over good old times and thinking about the new ones coming up tomorrow!
Around 2.30am we head to bed - well not before Louise and I get a fit of the giggles after brushing Debs teeth!!!

Next morning, we are up and at em around 7.30. Mooching around and chilling, we decide to get ready before heading for breakfast. When I say ready I mean put on the t-shirts! At breakfast we can see people trying to read them front and back and we are getting some funny looks and some sly smiles!
Update texts from the rest of the girls come thick and fast and we start getting excited.
Check in is 3pm, but after I smooth-talk the guy on Reception, he calls housekeeping and they get the girls room ready for 12! Meaning they can check in and freshen up before we head away. It's all coming together nicely...
My phone rings and I don't get to answer it in time because... I'm at the bar! Well it would be rude not to! I get back to the table and in walks Gemma and Sarah! Sarah is Gemmas mother in law but one cool dudette!
Introductions over, they take the weight off their feet and we sit and wait.... for PINESON!
We don't have to wait too long, about 10 minutes and in walks Paula, as bouncy as ever. We start the introductions again and the Crew are now 6. Well 8 if you include Rena and Debs!!!
So we down our drinks, get the girls checked in and they change into their tshirts. I was really pleased with how they came out in the end - panic averted!!

We head for the tube and we're on our way to Wembley.... Off at Wembley Park and it feels like we are home. Tinksy texts and lets us know she is not far, we are getting excited. Gemma and Sarah stop and look at the stadium, you can't help but smile when you see the place!

Down the road, after a few beeping cars and mad waving we head into the Sports Bar. We have not been in since Soccer Aid last September but its like we were never away! The old faces were there and some new ones too - Mo and Rickyyyy were laughing and after lots of hugs got the beers in. Louise asked for some vino to be chilled for later, courtesy of Den, and we find our seats. As usual we make friends with a few new peeps, a group of girls swap stories with us of how they are sooo excited and we do the same! They are happy to oblige when we ask for piccies and we get Rena and Debs in on the action!

A couple of drinks later, we decide to make like a banana and split. Ticket office beckons. Its not open till 4 allegedly and I am getting anxious about queuing. So Saz and I head to Wembley; Gemma, Sarah, Lou and Paula head to Maccy Ds to get some supplies. Oh and we pick up Mr Smirnoff on the way too - cheeky!!
Cary calls and we arrange to meet her at gate M - her ticket is for there which is cool as is Paulas. I'm hoping that ours is the same so we can all queue together. Its about 1.30 now and its warm and sunny. No pacamacs required! Woop woop!
As we walk up Wembley Way we see a familiar face at the top...its Cary! So more hugs and kisses...
I was under strict instructions from Rena to give Tinks a big snog (no tongues mind!) and we set off for the ticket office to chance me arm and try and get the tickets a wee bit earlier.
At the ticket office, the guy is happy to oblige and we introduce him to Rena and Debs. He wonders WTF we are on but it all becomes clear once we explain! After handing us the tickets he wishes us a good day. And we know its just going to be the Greatest....We head for the ramp to start queuing... but we have to queue at the opposite gate to Cary and Paula
I head over to one of the stewards - Sean - who tells me we do need to go to gate G. I explain the mix up with our tickets and that we dont want to get split up - that we have come from all over England, Wales and Ireland. Turns out he has family in Cork and has lived in Leeds so we start the charm offensive on him and soon he is won over!
In the queue we get chatting to some mother and daughter friends who are looking forward to seeing the lads too. The queue for the loo outside the stadium is unreal - Pervy Paula is queuing for so long and getting very borderline for needing the tenas (literally) that when she eventually gets in the loo, she gets a big cheer and clap from all the other girls
Back at the ramp, all the girls are back and we crack open the Pink Champagne that Saz & I have gotten for Pervys Birthday! Louise remembers the cups and we pass the drink around, including to our new mates Claire and her mum! By return they dish out Rose' Wine and Pimms - and again the Birthday Girl gets some of her fave tipple!!!
Its getting close to 4pm and the stewards start getting us on our feet. We are all getting giddy and even though that Cary and Louise have both seen the show already they are worse than us lot!!
We get the OK to enter the stadium, OMG - this is gonna be good!! "Dont run!" shout the stewards... pfft as if we think so with a very fast WALK we head inside. OMG we are heading in near the stage... OMG theres room at the front... and so we manage to bag a fine spot on the front row right in front of the left hand side stage!!

With bowlers hats and red noses, we start to get to know the stewards on the front row and they get into the spirit of things especially when they tell us they're from LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS!!
Paula and Gemma head for beers, Cary starts snapping and me and Lou get to work on the banner. The stewards once again are happy to help when we fix the banner on the front of the barrier and we are getting excited at the anticipation of what is to come later that evening. As we look around the stadium is starting to fill behind us. The sea of people that are on the pitch is making the stadium swell and the seats around and above us are slowly filling up.
It's nearly time for the 1st support - Gary Go. Not bad he is, can certainly play and with a few catchy tunes. Gemma says that its very apt that hes called Gary Gay - what a faux pax!!
Next its Lady GaGa... well all I can say is I wish we had The Script or James Morrison... What a load of cack.
She looked crazy, she spoke a load of twaddle and when she sang... sorry mimed.... pffft!
I mean when you can hear the artist singing but you look and they are not at the mic and not moving their lips you know that are using playback & miming. Considering she didnt even show up for the 2 shows last weekend I would have hated to be a fan of hers as it would've left me feeling so let down. Total lack of respect for her fans. I could have easy poked her face I can tell you
After that, we were getting excitererated!

We called Debs and found out she was sat above us to the left, frantic waving occured (what occuring!!???) and Lou even managed to snap her in the crowd! Priceless!!
The stewards were asking us about the PV Crew and other general chit chat, we handed out haribo and then had friends for life!! They even took piccies for us with the banner and not once were we waiting for water as it was such a humid day. They dished it out no bother and kept checking that we were ok...
From our vantage point we could see behind the main stage and a load of Cloud Clowns were milling around with balloons. Lou and Saz waved and they waved back!
Next they made their way into the crowd and you knew it was nearly time... The pulley started to make its way, being wound slowly, up the BStage and everyone waited with baited breath... The hot air balloon was met with 100s of colourful balloons... they were raised into the air... the lads appeared... and the Greatest Day just got a whole lot better for the Crew!! Cue bouncing!!The set list was unknown to us all - cept for Lou and Cary. They did a fab job of not letting any surprises out of the bag! Which was just fantastic as we didnt know what came next...

Greatest Day :Superb opening, very fitting!
Hello: Love this song so kept me smiling!
Could It Be Magic: After the Barry Manilow version at the last concert I wasn't expecting to hear this... but so glad I did!
Pray: One of my old faves, esp the dance moves like the old days!
Million Love Songs: Gary at his crooning best! A few tears from Gemma!
Back For Good: They certainly were...and the rain came down on the BStage!
The Garden: Mark gave it socks on this one - loved it! So did Tinks - bless her xx
Shine: Another faultless performance from Mark - makes me think of Morrisons thou!
Up All Night: All the girls bouncing for this one
Wooden Boat : Jason did a fab job... loved him on this track on the last tour, he seemed to have grown into this song since then!
How Did It Come To This: Belting performance from Jason
The Circus: Clown time
What Is Love: Not one of my faves off the album but omg it got me right there live... totally blew me away. Howard - legend.
Medley: Do What You Like, Promises, It Only Takes A Minute, Take That And PartyIf youre going to do a medley, why not make it your own?!?! Classic tunes, classic moves, pure class
Said It All: At this point I was just in awe... all the girls were!
Never Forget: We wont!
Patience: Gary said this was their comeback song... for some of us they were never away!
Relight My Fire: Plenty of flames fanned at this point - hot hot hot!
Hold Up A Light: Spinning lights that formed the TT logo when spun fast, the cast whipped up a frenzy with this one
Rule The World: The final song. What an ending. There were a few tears all round, it was just amazing and they certainly did Rule our World that night!
Thrown in for good measure was Gary... with only a piano and a few classics of Love aint Here Any More, Babe and Nobody Else... cue lots of
At the end it was mentioned that Mark said he would "like to thank the Crew...."
Mark - the pleasure was all ours!
So the gig finishes and we head up Wembley way... 86000 people and we meet DEBS!! What a classic PV moment!
Gemma is felling a bit poorly due to her cold so her and Sarah say they are getting off. Saz decides to join them - well its been quite a night. Cary gives more hugs and kisses and heads back to her car - shame she couldnt come and play but it was blardy FAB to see her!!
So me, Paula and Lou decide to be hardcore and head back to the Sports Bar.
They crack open the chilled vino for us and we get stuck in
The lads in the Bar ask if we were on the tellllly again.... well we tell them we dont know but we were at the front with a new banner. Trust you... they say!!!
Heading for the last tube at 0.25 we walk with a heavy heart and tired feet over to the tube. The steward tells us that the last southbound tube has gone - of course you can guess where we were going....!!
Sooo - we ask about the bus and jump on the 83 to Golders Green, like we know where we are going...
We dont!! So we ask the bus driver - his reply is that he doesnt know either!
God we are fudged if the driver doesnt know where hes going
One of the ladies who was working at Wembley tells us we need to get the night bus at the last stop - cool, thanks lady. We get chatting to this guy in a Tux on the bus. He's Neil and he is just returning from his mates wedding...
He thinks we are funny as we snap piccies at the back of the bus...
So the bus gets to the end of the road and we hop off, and on to the night bus. Cept the night bus is empty, closed and has no driver.
Neil asks us where we are going, we tell him and he lives just around the corner. We tell him we dont know around the corner, in fact we dont know where we are but he gladly flags us a taxi down and directs the taxi driver. We tell him to hop in (3 of us, 1 of him, we'll ave 'im if he starts!) and the taxi driver is loving our tales of the concert!
So we stop outside the takeaway at the end of the road near our hotel. Neil hops out and hands over the cash for the taxi, we pay half as its only fair and he hustles Paulas bowler hat as it suits him! LMAO!!
We head into the chipper for food, Neil waves bye and its Chicken Wraps and Chips all round. Back at the hotel, we decide to have one for the road in the bar before we hit the hay... talking about the fun we had and what a gig it was... A few guys in the bar overhear and they ask us where we have been. Turns out they were working up the road that night at a venue where James Morrison was playing.. they were doing his lights. That kinda explains why we were stuck with Lady GAGA....
Finishing our drinks and chips its 3am and we call it a day... the Greatest Day...!!
Thursday, 1 January 2009

Welcome to the Adventures of the Port Vale Crew...
We hope you like our blog.
We are a group of girls who have been friends since 2006; initially brought together by the love of Robbie Williams' Music.
Over the years, we have shared good times, fun and laughter... and not just with each other but others around us.
I will update the blog as often as I can; and will attempt to backdate with our previous adventures; aswell as blogging new ones too!
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