When we heard that JK as Robbie was going to be doing a show on May 27th, it was decided that we had to attend. The girls thought it would be a great way to celebrate my birthday! And of course, I agreed *snigger*
With the forthcoming Take That concerts, I knew I was gonna see more of the Crew in the not too distant future, but was delighted when Lou, Cary, Kriss, Anne and Marie said lets make a date! The lovely Anne-Claire was also due to join in the fun, but due to a bad case of the chicken pox that her little 'un had it was not to be. Sob!
Boarding the smallest plane in the world in Cork, (You make me feel, that I'm on the smallest plane in the worrrrrld - to the tune of Rihanna) I set off for Manchester where the lovely Cary had offered to pick me up and take me to meet Munchie for a bit of birthday brekkie... twas fab! Was also great to see Mandy even though it was a flying visit.
Cary and I have a scoot around Runcorn to collect a few supplies and laugh at a few shops - not before heading back to the car and onto the motorway oop norf!
We hear from Kriss who is in the goldmobile and has a full house on board!
Travelling up the M6, Cary and I have a good old sing song; lots of TT and Rob featuring and lots of laughs... and this is before the others arrive. We find the hotel with ease and check in. Staff are really friendly and we like this a lot! Fantastic.
Head down to the bar (just to be sociable) for a swift one before the others arrive... well at those prices it will be just 1 aswell!
Having a natter, we are keeping our eyes on the door and before we know it we spot the gold mobile pulling up outside! Woop Woop let the fun begin!
Lou, Kriss, Anne and Marie pile into the hotel and I get told off as I am there. I don't understand.... as they disappear around the corner I hear a lot of laughs and giggles... I'm not allowed to look... then I get told I can come around but have to close my eyes.
Cue a phone call to my BB Shelley and lots of Happy Birthday singing from the girls... awwww love you lot!
Heading up to the room to chill for a while, we crack a few drinks and order some room service. In between catching up, we get ourselves ready and order a 6 seater cab to take us to the theatre (darrrrrlink!) Peppa Pig is really enjoying herself too!
We order a spot of room service, a couple of bevvies to hit the spot. There are lots of cards and gifts and I’m feeling a little overwhelmed to say the least. Thank you so much for the thoughtful gifts and lovely words in the cards...
So it’s nearly time, we head downstairs as the reception call us and inform us that our taxi is outside. Well it’s really a minibus, seeing as there’s 6 of us… as we hop into the bus, we glance to the right and we see Jim (a’la Rosie and Jim) running towards us and waving… Rosie and Jim stopping at the same hotel as us – how funny! Well best make sure we don’t take any chips back at supper time, wouldn’t want to get chiplash!! Anyhoo, Jim is gesturing to jump in our cab – obviously assuming that we are heading to the same place (we were but he wasn’t to know that… would’ve been funny if we had got him in the cab and taken him on some magical mystery tour to Preston LOL!)
Just as we are thinking what to answer, their taxi pulls up and they wave goodbye. Well goodbye for now, we would be seeing them a bit later…
The taxi driver has some great banter with us, he drops us off at the Grand. It’s an old style theatre, intimate and beautiful inside. Heading to the box office to collect our tickets, the girls head upstairs to the bar for a drink. I suggest to get the orders in for the interval to save time so we double up and head into the theatre.
We have a great view, mind you it would be hard not to have a good view from anywhere in that theatre. Settling down, we glance at our watches and realize that the show has not yet started even though its past 7.30… the theatre manager comes out with an announcement. A slight wardrobe malfunction has occurred; due to a traffic accident on the motorway and the wardrobe manager being stuck in said accident for 3 hours. All will become apparent shortly… We look at each other confused…
Having seen the show before, we knew what was coming next… or so we thought… The band start up, the lights go up… and on to the stage bounds JK – with a slightly different costume than normal. Ey’ Ey Captain!! Loving it!! We’re sailing on this ship tonight! Although to be fair to him, he pulls it off and like the true pro he is gets stuck right into the show with a rousing rendition of Let Me Entertain You. Fantastic. The theatre is bouncing and as I look around, I know it’s going to be yet another fantastic night’s entertainment.
Moving through the set list, the Crew get busy busting some moves. Well that’s how we roll. Apologising to the ladies sat behind us, we are up, on our feet and doing the moves to every song. If you can’t beat em - join em… and glancing to the row behind us we see that the ladies are now on their feet and bouncing too! Love it!! JK moves through the Knebworth set with ease and we enjoy re-living the best of Robbie Williams. Rock DJ. Millennium. Come Undone. At the back of our minds, we are thinking about a couple of the Crew members who are at the opening night of the Progress tour that night in Sunderland, having their very own Robbie moment… but for now, we have the next best thing that is JK as Robbie. Talk about Supreme!! True to form the first half flies by and we run to what is the smallest theatre bar in the world to nab our drinks. Super efficient, the staff already have the drinks prepared and all we need to do is collect them to save queuing up – job done!
Settling in for the second half, we know that there’s plenty more Robbie goodness to come. Swing time, and taken from the Albert Hall set, JK graces the stage with his band, in smart sharp suits and cool charisma to boot. Slowing the show down a little we sway to the classics of My Way & Mr Bojangles. Brilliant.
As the stage changes, the superb pianist goes solo at the front of the stage with a blast of Queen on the ivories… JK, complete with costume change, re-appears and starts talking to the audience. Lancaster has a big place in his heart, he says and the Grand Theatre in particular. He then engages the crowd by finding out where we have all come from, with the Crew (as usual) coming from far and wide to make the show…. Then this is where it gets embarrassing. A birthday shoutout to me along with telling the whole theatre it was my 40th! Thanks JK! Revenge is sweet is all I am saying… ;)
However the sentiment was lovely and cue a few sniffles when “She’s the One” is dedicated to Scrumptious.
The 2nd half of the show bounds on, with a lively version of Video Killed the Radio Star… it’s so lively that you can feel the balcony (circle) upstairs moving and shaking… JK as Robbie certainly made the ground move that’s for sure! Looking up to the boxes at either side of the stage, we see Jim on the right hand side – leaning out to snap a piccie – and worry for his safety as he looks like one of the hecklers from the Muppet Show ready to topple out and over the top of the box! Thankfully, he didn’t… Phew!
As the show draws to a close, JK brings the house down with Angels (it wasn’t too early to be fair…!) Bringing Robbie’s career up to date, we see the video clip of Take That with Eight Letters as a soundtrack, followed by a fantastic version of The Flood – and the Crew can’t help but get excited as we realize that in a weeks time we will be seeing Robbie and the boys. Another standing ovation at the end of the show, the cast get a well deserved cheer and huge applause and we give extra cheers to Mr JK as Robbie Williams for what was, yet again, an outstanding performance.
The theatre starts to empty as the lights come up, and with the word that it is lashing rain outside, we hang back till the crowds disperse. Having spotted a pub at the end of the road, we make a run for it and eventually arrive at the pub flipping soaked! Not before I end up going skidding down the road and ever-so-nearly end up on my arse! Thankfully I recover and just look like I've thrown some sort of weird shape outside in the rain... random like... Once inside, we bag ourselves a spot upstairs as downstairs was chocker block full – and get a whip going. Couple of rounds of drinks and the rain is forgotten. Lancaster being a University town, we attract the attention of some younger lads and laugh as they make a bee-line for us – erm excuse me lads this ain’t Cougar Town ya know!! The banter was good craic, however the full pint of Bulmers down us was not… oops! Shortly after they make a sharp exit and we get busy taking some snaps for the album… Kriss throws some baby’s dancing moves and lots of laughs follow. Mother and baby are reunited as Cary and Kriss take a pew on the edge of the sofa. Marie is giddy after deciding that she now wants to ditch hubby Michael Buble and now marry Frank Sinatra, who of course is dead! Anne and I are catching up after our last get together in Windsor and its smiles all round as per. Just another normal Crew night out!

We are then joined by Jonathan and Becky for a few cheeky birthday drinks… and not wanting to end the night early as the bar is closing, so we decide to move the party up to the Revolution bar for some more bevvies and a few vodkas. As you do, like…

Walking for what seems like forever, we finally arrive at the Revolution. There’s a table and sofas in the bay window – perfect – has our name written all over it. More drinks are purchased and we get busy having more craic… There’s plenty of banter and I come back from the bar with a round of drinks, only to find legs a-kimbo and Marie on the floor, with Kriss and Cary rolling around on the sofa! Yes it is as it sounds – very very funny! Becky heads over to try and lend a hand… Jonathan just comes over for a closer look! Typical bloke! Cue lots and lots of laughs from us and strange looks from those outside – bear in mind we were sat in the bay window on full view… In true Crew style we end up being the entertainment again… LOL!! Paparazzi Pullen manages to bag a few tidy shots for evidence, of course, and the LOL-ing starts again when we review the pics!
After being told several times that it was hone time by the bouncers (well it was past 3am!) we head up the road to get some chips as we are hank marvin; if not slightly concerned about taking them back to the hotel for fear of chiplash injuries… Bagging a couple of taxis and bidding our farewells to Jonathan & Becky, we head back to the hotel, motel, holiday inn for a debrief and the usual post night out post-mortem.
Flicking through the pics and revisiting the giggles from earlier in the evening, we get changed and get our heads down. It’s fairly late – for a change – and as I look around the room I see my friends snoozing, the empty bottles of vino, Peppa Pig, the cards & gifts and the usual trail of clothes, shoes and cases, I can’t help but smile at what was yet another craic-ing crew night out. The best friends in the world manage to wreak havoc on another UK town. No Pigs, Crew Laydees or members of the public were harmed during the making of this night out ;)
Next morning we’re all awake and not in bad shape considering. We agree the plan of attack is to check out and head over to the pub across the road for a mahoosive pub grub lunch. NOMS. Louise is busy drying and straightening her hair, and Cary dives into the shower. Cue steamy windows (well they are hot stuff) and as the bathroom door opens (complete with Cary half dressed with towel on her head) we hear the dulcet tones of the smoke alarm ringing in our ears. OUCH! Thinking that it will stop we decide to do nothing and stay put. The phone in the room goes, and Lou answers it – “are we alright?” “erm yes we are fine” replies Lou… “only the alarm is coming from your room…” WHAT THE FOOF BOARD!! Seems that the over-sensitive fire alarm was triggered by the heat and steam and as a result the whole hotel has to be evacuated. Oops. We trudge downstairs, half dressed, half PJs, and assemble in the car park. Looking across we see Rosie and Jim, and the words “broken biscuits” spring to mind in relation to Rosie. Bless her.
The staff give us the all clear to head back into the hotel, where we are greeted by the lovely chief fireman-person leaving our room with the comment “Good night, was it” being shouted down the corridor. We are not sure what he means, until we re-enter the room and realize there is a shed load of booze, empty bottles, cake and snacks on the desk! LOL – at least he had a sense of humour!
Checking out, we head across the road for a big feast. Lots of nom noms are heard around the table, and also laughs about the craic from the night before. Yet another Crew do comes to a close and as we finish our lunches we are down-hearted that this one seems to have gone too fast. The only thing that can cheer us up is the thought of making PROGRESS next week in Manchester! Woop Woop!
Such a shame though that Kriss couldn’t make it and that Anne is already booked in with Kriss to go to Wembley. Ah well, we make plans to see them at Stoke and as Anne, Marie, Lou and Kriss jump into the GoldMobile, Cary & I wave them off… not before heading back on to the motorway to head towards Liverpool Hairyport for my flight home.