Eight Letters... Three Words... One Meaning...! A snippet of what we've been up to so far this year... Good times... Great entertainment... Fantastic company - love yas x
The Adventures of The Port Vale Crew. A bunch of lovely ladies I am proud to call friends. Likes: Robbie Williams & his Music, Football, Comedy, Playing Pool, Take That, Bowling, Going to the Theatre (usually to see Jonny Wilkes or JK as Robbie!) Playing Laydee Lympics, Generally having fun and enjoying life. Dislikes: Haters, liars, cheats. Trains and planes that are late. So pull up a chair and a brew... sit back... relax and follow our journey of fun and friendship!
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Saturday, 24 September 2011
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Let Meeeeee Entertain You.... Up Hanley Duck Crew Styleeee!
As the show starts we notice there is something different… the guitarists are running about like crazy on the stage – look ma, no wires!! Everyone is encouraged to stand up! Well as if we needed any encouragement!! The atmosphere is bouncing despite the show only running for 3 minutes – we know we are in for a good night.
Let Me Entertain You (as the show is called) is totally blinding tonight – a little different to previous shows that we’ve seen, if not a little more bouncey… we like :)
The first half of the show is a lot more upbeat, and with the usual favourites like Millennium, Hot Fudge and Monsoon from back in Knebworth, and some new tracks like Old Before I Die and A Place to Crash! Love it!! Personal winner from the 1st half has to be Make Me Pure… just brilliant. Oatcake T-shirt on show, as designed by a certain someone who we shall meet later in the evening was a nice touch to make the show more Stoke-y!
Interval – and those who know me will know that I’m always nosey as to the feedback during the interval. This show was no exception…
"Wow it’s so good!"
"Love the guitarists!"
"Really takes me back to a Rob gig!" All good then…
Grab a drink with the girls after a quick pit stop and head back in for round two…
2nd half is always blinding – with swing to schwiiiiing to, the fabulous version of Bodies and Video Killed the Radio Star as featured by Robbie at the Roundhouse during Electric Proms. So glad that JK included both those versions in the show.
Wardrobe changes afoot... JK hits the stage with something the Crew like - the SHABBA ("It's only a f&*king medium!") t-shirt from Blackpool! Tidy! Peppa Pig decides she wants to get a bit of the limelight and jumps on stage yet again with JK - who takes it all in good oinking fun and parades around with Peppa! More from the fabulous set and before we know it - it's time for the montage of Eight Letters with all 5 of Take That. Shortly followed by JK then singing The Flood; which was yet again spot on!
Knowing that we are in Rob’s home town, we kind of guess that there is going to be some sort of announcement at the end like last year. As the VT of the Donna Louise Trust rolls, you can hear a pin drop. It’s a very powerful video, narrated by Robbie and it certainly hits home that this charity is so worthwhile and so necessary. Then JK makes an announcement – that he is going to train and run the London Marathon for Donna Louise in 2012. What a fantastic commitment and gesture for an amazing charity.
At the end of the show, it is closed with Angels, a fitting tribute. It certainly wasn’t too early for it this night!
As the theatre emptied, we gather the gang… same bat time, same bat channel as last time? Oh go on then if you insist! So we head over to the take away & Unicorn pub across the street for more fun and games! I get the kitty going and join the queue in the bar whilst the girls grab some chips!
Sat outside the pub is Pete – Rob’s dad. What a lovely guy he is. Turns out he went to the show again and really really enjoyed it… well that’s what he told us anyway! Saying that he could watch that lad up on that stage all night is a serious compliment for JK! Showing him the pics on my camera – a couple of which are from last year – he jokes as he’s glad that he didn’t wear the same shirt tonight! Pete takes time to pose with Peppa, well if its good enough for Mark Owen! Love it!!
The beers are flowing and we see some other familar faces – Paul and his gorgeous wife, Mick the Drummer, and then we spot Herrrribieeeeeee… good job he is game for a laugh bless him, straight in the Crew Corner there mate for some pics and Crew love! Hehe!
The beers are flowing and it is past closing time – once again we manage a lock in and get introduced to Gail & Sam who are also partaking in a beverage or two… the banter is well and truly in full force and the shoes are OFF! Louise hi-jacks the Bar Manager and thrusts the Take That / Rob CD into his hands and before we know it the tune-age is of the highest standard… cue lots of singing and bouncing from the Crew complete with JK, Mick, Paul and the girls as we are partying like our lives depended on it! We run out of vodka not once… but TWICE! The Bar Manager is happy to run around Hanley begging, borrowing and stealing vodka for us to keep partying – excellent work!
In the absence of vodka thou we make do with Corona, Bulmers, Baileys, Tia Maria and literally anything else we can get our hands on! Oh we are awful…. Naughty but nice thou ;)
The night carries on into the wee hours… well what I really mean is the morning hours! We swap stories with Sam & Gail about all sorts – gigs, shows and previous meets; and promise to friend on Facebook when home – as you never know when we may meet them again – that’s if we haven’t scared them off of course ;) The Crew are having a reet good catch up, celebrating Cary’s birthday the way it should be – with lots of laughs, lots of drink and lots of good music!
The night is drawing to a close - last women standing – Paula (even in my heels!), Jac, Louise, Sue, Kay and me head back to the hotel in a taxi – its getting light outside which is always a good sign of a Crew Do and a Crew first – Sam misses breakfast the next morning… oh dear what has become of me!! #epicfail but yet another cracking Crew do! Thanks to all concerned for a great couple of days xx
Let Me Entertain You (as the show is called) is totally blinding tonight – a little different to previous shows that we’ve seen, if not a little more bouncey… we like :)
The first half of the show is a lot more upbeat, and with the usual favourites like Millennium, Hot Fudge and Monsoon from back in Knebworth, and some new tracks like Old Before I Die and A Place to Crash! Love it!! Personal winner from the 1st half has to be Make Me Pure… just brilliant. Oatcake T-shirt on show, as designed by a certain someone who we shall meet later in the evening was a nice touch to make the show more Stoke-y!
Interval – and those who know me will know that I’m always nosey as to the feedback during the interval. This show was no exception…
"Wow it’s so good!"
"Love the guitarists!"
"Really takes me back to a Rob gig!" All good then…
Grab a drink with the girls after a quick pit stop and head back in for round two…
2nd half is always blinding – with swing to schwiiiiing to, the fabulous version of Bodies and Video Killed the Radio Star as featured by Robbie at the Roundhouse during Electric Proms. So glad that JK included both those versions in the show.
Wardrobe changes afoot... JK hits the stage with something the Crew like - the SHABBA ("It's only a f&*king medium!") t-shirt from Blackpool! Tidy! Peppa Pig decides she wants to get a bit of the limelight and jumps on stage yet again with JK - who takes it all in good oinking fun and parades around with Peppa! More from the fabulous set and before we know it - it's time for the montage of Eight Letters with all 5 of Take That. Shortly followed by JK then singing The Flood; which was yet again spot on!
Knowing that we are in Rob’s home town, we kind of guess that there is going to be some sort of announcement at the end like last year. As the VT of the Donna Louise Trust rolls, you can hear a pin drop. It’s a very powerful video, narrated by Robbie and it certainly hits home that this charity is so worthwhile and so necessary. Then JK makes an announcement – that he is going to train and run the London Marathon for Donna Louise in 2012. What a fantastic commitment and gesture for an amazing charity.
At the end of the show, it is closed with Angels, a fitting tribute. It certainly wasn’t too early for it this night!
As the theatre emptied, we gather the gang… same bat time, same bat channel as last time? Oh go on then if you insist! So we head over to the take away & Unicorn pub across the street for more fun and games! I get the kitty going and join the queue in the bar whilst the girls grab some chips!
Sat outside the pub is Pete – Rob’s dad. What a lovely guy he is. Turns out he went to the show again and really really enjoyed it… well that’s what he told us anyway! Saying that he could watch that lad up on that stage all night is a serious compliment for JK! Showing him the pics on my camera – a couple of which are from last year – he jokes as he’s glad that he didn’t wear the same shirt tonight! Pete takes time to pose with Peppa, well if its good enough for Mark Owen! Love it!!
The beers are flowing and we see some other familar faces – Paul and his gorgeous wife, Mick the Drummer, and then we spot Herrrribieeeeeee… good job he is game for a laugh bless him, straight in the Crew Corner there mate for some pics and Crew love! Hehe!
The beers are flowing and it is past closing time – once again we manage a lock in and get introduced to Gail & Sam who are also partaking in a beverage or two… the banter is well and truly in full force and the shoes are OFF! Louise hi-jacks the Bar Manager and thrusts the Take That / Rob CD into his hands and before we know it the tune-age is of the highest standard… cue lots of singing and bouncing from the Crew complete with JK, Mick, Paul and the girls as we are partying like our lives depended on it! We run out of vodka not once… but TWICE! The Bar Manager is happy to run around Hanley begging, borrowing and stealing vodka for us to keep partying – excellent work!
In the absence of vodka thou we make do with Corona, Bulmers, Baileys, Tia Maria and literally anything else we can get our hands on! Oh we are awful…. Naughty but nice thou ;)
The night carries on into the wee hours… well what I really mean is the morning hours! We swap stories with Sam & Gail about all sorts – gigs, shows and previous meets; and promise to friend on Facebook when home – as you never know when we may meet them again – that’s if we haven’t scared them off of course ;) The Crew are having a reet good catch up, celebrating Cary’s birthday the way it should be – with lots of laughs, lots of drink and lots of good music!
The night is drawing to a close - last women standing – Paula (even in my heels!), Jac, Louise, Sue, Kay and me head back to the hotel in a taxi – its getting light outside which is always a good sign of a Crew Do and a Crew first – Sam misses breakfast the next morning… oh dear what has become of me!! #epicfail but yet another cracking Crew do! Thanks to all concerned for a great couple of days xx
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Cary's Cracking Birthday Craic... when we let JK as Robbie Entertain Us in Stoke!
As soon as we heard about JK as Robbie returning to the home of Robbie with Let Me Entertain You we were on it like a car bonnet.
Now considering it was Princess Pearce's birthday soon-ish we decided to make it a flipping mahoosive dooo and cram her 40th celebrations into what was gonna be an eventful couple of days.
Plans are well under way... phone calls, messages and emails are on the go to make this one of the best weekends EVER!
Arriving in Stoke, the girls meet up at Stoke Train Station and grab a Subway - yes it's still the official food of the PV Crew! I'm on my way and trying to sort one or two final surprises.
After a stressy time with the jewellery company about Cary's group birthday pressie - a gorge watch picked out by Kriss, I'd received a message from Paula to say that it had arrived in one piece earlier in the week... Lou had sorted out the group card to Cary, I had done the Crew card for Geoff... Kriss had also played a blinder in sorting a Peppa Pig cake for Geoff to present to him later that evening - but little did the Crew know that they would be seeing him before the show...
I was texting Lou with the deets... we were en-route but stuck in traffic... the lovely Lady who had made the cake was on her way to the George to deliver it (thanks to Debbie for a fab job and to Keith at the Vale for recommending her) and where was I? Yes, where was I? Stuck on the blinking A500 in a van in Friday afternoon traffic... after heading from the train station to the Regent to meet Geoff prior to his sound check I was now in hiding from the girls online as I was keen to get to the George with Geoff ASAP! And as they didn't know that he was coming to deliver said cake I knew that they were wondering where I was...
Upon arrival at the George, Geoff beeped his horn as Louise, Kay and Jac were outside. Cheers Geoff!! Talk about blowing your cover! I went over to meet Debbie and to settle up for the cake - wow it was actually fantastic. What started as a chat with the girls, some screen shots from "A Place to Crash" video, photos of Cary's wabbit ears and a picture in my mind that looked fantastic but sounded shit when I tried to describe it to Debbie - actually ended up amazingly good! Debbie was a little bit speechless as Geoff came over to the cake from her and looked down at the Robbie on the cake she had just made; then back up at Geoff to see that he was looking a bit like Robbie too!
Lighting the candle and shielding it from the breeze, we headed up the familiar steps of the George Hotel and into the bar where Louise had got all the girls together....
Singing Happy Birthday, we well and truly surprised the Birthday Girl, not only with her cake but also the Delivery Man too! Big thanks to JK as Robbie Williams who took time out of his very busy day to come down to Burslem and do the honours!
It then seemed appropriate to give Geoff his cards and cake from the Crew - cue PV Peppa on a plate (and a recycled candle, well we're environmentally friendly of course!) and another chorus of Happy Birthday! Of course, Peppa loved it, she's a right naughty little piggy!! Geoff took it all in good spirits, and after promising to meet us later headed back to the Regent to finish setting up for tonight's show. All going well, so far so good and everything is going to plan! Happy days!!
5 minutes later, the last of the Crew arrived... Rena bounded in and it was great to see her! And here we all were - Kriss, Louise, Anne, Shelley, Sue, Hayley, Kay, Allison, Jac, Rena, Paula, the Birthday girl Cary and myself - unlucky for some but not for us - 13 of us mad heads ready to party! After getting the beers in, we provided Cary with some more surprises - cue cards and gifts galore...Have to say was a little overwhelmed with all the effort everyone went to myself for my birthday so can only imagine how Cary felt as this was Birthday surprises in TURBO mode! The Crew were well and truly on it like a car bonnet!!
After presents, we did the usual and headed over to the George for a swift one before getting ready for the evening. And again - as usual, we were on the last minute for the limo - not just any limo but a shiny deluxe Hummer fit for a Crew Do! Back to the George. the lovely barman from last time remembered us; well I mean how could he forget...?! Never Forget!!
No time for grapes - the virgins will still be virgins until Chrimbo - but there was time for a couple of swift bevvies and some pics... lots of laughs with the locals yet again and we asked ever so nicely for a bit of Rob and Take That tuneage so we could practice our bouncing. Andy behind the bar was happy to oblige. Thanks again :)
Shizer - is that the time? Drinking up, we scoot back over to the George, following the usual trail of feathers, stopping traffic on Scotia Road, beep beep from the cars. It's like we were never away! We head up to our rooms to change and the evening is looking really good as we are all in great form and cannot wait to have a good bop later.
The hummer arrives - complete with 6 bottles of fizz. Yes, 6 bottles. Posh Limos are a local firm who had done a great job of looking after us before so I was straight onto them once I knew we would be heading back to Stoke. Lou provided the tunes and with us all in the back we are OFF - up Hanley Duck, and ready to be entertained. With lots of laughs already that day, we had a feeling that tonight was gonna be a good night!! And how appropriate that JK kicked off the show with a version of that very song!!
The hummer was fab, really enjoyed the spin and as usual the Crew stopped traffic! Arriving at the Regent, it is always funny to see everyone having a nosey at who is getting out... tis only us, the Port Vale Crew...! The driver is happy to take some snaps for us... we wave him off but not before Paula tries to get on it like a car bonnet - LITERALLY!! PMSL!!
Heading over to the Box Office to collect the tickets, we are a little against the clock. Again no change there, there ain't no party like a Crew party and the party won't start without us! Pit stop at the bar on the way in; we head to the door we are told to go to but then get told to go to another door... whatever! We just want our seats love! Eventually we find our seats and apologising to the people behind us in advance for what is going to be very much an "audience participation" row, we take our seats for what would probably be the only time that night!!
Now considering it was Princess Pearce's birthday soon-ish we decided to make it a flipping mahoosive dooo and cram her 40th celebrations into what was gonna be an eventful couple of days.
Plans are well under way... phone calls, messages and emails are on the go to make this one of the best weekends EVER!
Arriving in Stoke, the girls meet up at Stoke Train Station and grab a Subway - yes it's still the official food of the PV Crew! I'm on my way and trying to sort one or two final surprises.
After a stressy time with the jewellery company about Cary's group birthday pressie - a gorge watch picked out by Kriss, I'd received a message from Paula to say that it had arrived in one piece earlier in the week... Lou had sorted out the group card to Cary, I had done the Crew card for Geoff... Kriss had also played a blinder in sorting a Peppa Pig cake for Geoff to present to him later that evening - but little did the Crew know that they would be seeing him before the show...

Upon arrival at the George, Geoff beeped his horn as Louise, Kay and Jac were outside. Cheers Geoff!! Talk about blowing your cover! I went over to meet Debbie and to settle up for the cake - wow it was actually fantastic. What started as a chat with the girls, some screen shots from "A Place to Crash" video, photos of Cary's wabbit ears and a picture in my mind that looked fantastic but sounded shit when I tried to describe it to Debbie - actually ended up amazingly good! Debbie was a little bit speechless as Geoff came over to the cake from her and looked down at the Robbie on the cake she had just made; then back up at Geoff to see that he was looking a bit like Robbie too!
Lighting the candle and shielding it from the breeze, we headed up the familiar steps of the George Hotel and into the bar where Louise had got all the girls together....

It then seemed appropriate to give Geoff his cards and cake from the Crew - cue PV Peppa on a plate (and a recycled candle, well we're environmentally friendly of course!) and another chorus of Happy Birthday! Of course, Peppa loved it, she's a right naughty little piggy!! Geoff took it all in good spirits, and after promising to meet us later headed back to the Regent to finish setting up for tonight's show. All going well, so far so good and everything is going to plan! Happy days!!
5 minutes later, the last of the Crew arrived... Rena bounded in and it was great to see her! And here we all were - Kriss, Louise, Anne, Shelley, Sue, Hayley, Kay, Allison, Jac, Rena, Paula, the Birthday girl Cary and myself - unlucky for some but not for us - 13 of us mad heads ready to party! After getting the beers in, we provided Cary with some more surprises - cue cards and gifts galore...Have to say was a little overwhelmed with all the effort everyone went to myself for my birthday so can only imagine how Cary felt as this was Birthday surprises in TURBO mode! The Crew were well and truly on it like a car bonnet!!
After presents, we did the usual and headed over to the George for a swift one before getting ready for the evening. And again - as usual, we were on the last minute for the limo - not just any limo but a shiny deluxe Hummer fit for a Crew Do! Back to the George. the lovely barman from last time remembered us; well I mean how could he forget...?! Never Forget!!
No time for grapes - the virgins will still be virgins until Chrimbo - but there was time for a couple of swift bevvies and some pics... lots of laughs with the locals yet again and we asked ever so nicely for a bit of Rob and Take That tuneage so we could practice our bouncing. Andy behind the bar was happy to oblige. Thanks again :)
Shizer - is that the time? Drinking up, we scoot back over to the George, following the usual trail of feathers, stopping traffic on Scotia Road, beep beep from the cars. It's like we were never away! We head up to our rooms to change and the evening is looking really good as we are all in great form and cannot wait to have a good bop later.
The hummer arrives - complete with 6 bottles of fizz. Yes, 6 bottles. Posh Limos are a local firm who had done a great job of looking after us before so I was straight onto them once I knew we would be heading back to Stoke. Lou provided the tunes and with us all in the back we are OFF - up Hanley Duck, and ready to be entertained. With lots of laughs already that day, we had a feeling that tonight was gonna be a good night!! And how appropriate that JK kicked off the show with a version of that very song!!

Heading over to the Box Office to collect the tickets, we are a little against the clock. Again no change there, there ain't no party like a Crew party and the party won't start without us! Pit stop at the bar on the way in; we head to the door we are told to go to but then get told to go to another door... whatever! We just want our seats love! Eventually we find our seats and apologising to the people behind us in advance for what is going to be very much an "audience participation" row, we take our seats for what would probably be the only time that night!!
George Hotel,
JK as Robbie,
Port Vale Crew,
Posh Limos,
Red Lion Burslem,
Regent Theatre,
Thursday, 30 June 2011
The Crew Make Progress in Manchester….
It was a long time coming…. Many many years to be exact! Although we were referring to the time from us buying the tickets back in October 2010 till now (and not the time we waited till the lads were back as a 5 – although fits perfick-ly for both!) However time ticked on and the day finally came. The day that we were going to see Rob, and the boys, together. And not just the boys being together but us being together too. Ya see, we became friends initially through the love of Robbie Williams & his music; found out that we were loving Take That just as much, and developed a fantastic friendship that has blossomed over the years. This, however, was the first time we had seen Rob on stage with many of the Crew being together… so as you can imagine we were a tad excited (think lady wee, but more about that later!!!)
Another Crew do came together, despite pricing problems with the hotel (which got sorted – thanks Mr Marriott!!) and ticket stress till the very end (which eventually got sorted – thanks Mr Ticketmaster!!) We always get there in the end…
The Weekend.
So here’s the deal. Shelley, Hayley and their friends Sue and Kay were travelling up from the Midlands. Myself and Angelaaaahhhhh were flying in from Cork after work. Louise was winging it from Wales (as usual) and there was a spare place available a couple of weeks before which the lovely Jac snapped up and made her way down on the chuff chuff from Glasgow. So 8 of us stopping at the hotel. Cary, Mand and the girls were joining us on Saturday morning. A plan that failed to come off was that Kriss was going to swap her Cardiff ticket for a Manchester one, stop at Cary’s and join the Crew – but it was not meant to be… sob sob… (or so I thought….!) Jonathan was going to join us on Saturday morning also and that was the group complete – 14 of us. Not forgetting Peppa Pig the team mascot.
As Ang & I were flying over in the evening, the rest of the girls met at the hotel, got the supplies in (thanks girls x) and went for some grub at the Printworks. Casually checking out the nekkid bike riders on the way back (as you do) – well anything is possible on a Crew Weekend. Our flight was on time, and my folks were outside the terminal ready to play taxi and drop us into Manchester.
We arrived at the hotel and asked reception for a key so we could let ourselves in… creeping up the corridors we quietly put the key in the door and threw it open! SURPRIIIISE!!! Lots of hugs and chatter, hellos to the new Crew members… nice to see you again to the long standing ones.
And – in the normal fashion we get catching up over a couple of bevvies. The mini bar is stocked full of Bulmers… only for us to realize that we don’t have a bottle opener. Call down to reception and not only do we get a knock on the door with a bottle opener- but a fine young man to open said bottles for us… well that’s the type of hotel it was. “Would it be too much trouble to get some ice, ice baby???!!!” No trouble at all, and quick as a flash he’s back with a bucket of ice. Sweet. We agree a curfew of 2am as of course we want to be up bright and early tomorrow morning. What do you think the chances are of us making it?
Lou puts on some choonage on her lappy and cue the dance moves. Never Forget in your PJs is always a winner!
Cocksucking cowboys are on the go, the new crew girls sample one… at first their arms have to be twisted but soon they’re into the spirit of it and 2 or 3 shots later they’re glad they sampled a bit of cock!
The drinks are flowing, there’s lots of laughs and naughty talk about the lads.
Singing at the top of our voices, however, is not so much a winner, and a call from reception reminds us that it’s getting late. Ooops – sorry team.
Casting our pervy eyes over the DVD we actually can’t believe ITS TOMORROW!!
As the girls head off to bed one by one, it’s just Lou, Jac, Ang and little old me left. We can’t get to sleep, we’re too excited! The 2am curfew has come and gone, and more like 3ish we get our heads down in the vain hope that we will get some rest and kip ready for tomorrow.
Awake bright and early we get ready and head down for some brekkie. Ticketmaster agreed to drop the tickets to the hotel so we are waiting anxiously for the man to arrive with “THE ENVELOPE”. Breakfast is lush, esp as its free *wink* and we hear that Cary is en-route with a car full.
Mr Manager from Ticketmaster arrives at reception bang on time and I am so pleased to finally have the tickets in my grubby little paws! In addition, he has a box of wine and fizz for us by way of an apology for the messing. Why thank you, the Crew will accept with pleasure.
Next, we hear that Cary is outside! EEEEK!!! We run outside and wave to Mand and the girls in the back. Cary says they will follow us up and she’s off to park the car – hmmm she’s wanting us out of the way. Suppose she just wants to get in and get sorted. She hands over the t-shirts which have come out very well (if I do say so myself!) and we head back up to our rooms to get ready.
We’re getting changed into our t-shirts when there’s a knock at the door. It’s all quiet so I pop my head out of the bathroom and around the corner and I would cover your ears for the next bit as it went something like this:
“AAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD!!! SQEEEEALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!” and cue lots of bouncing. Stood, at the door, is Kriss… who after telling us she couldn’t make it to Manchester plotted with Cary & Lou to get herself ooop Norf for the gig. Excited was not the word. Thanks girls for that great surprise!! *bounce bounce*
Getting a couple of messages from Jonathan, we realize that he is already in Manchester, and is early (for a change) so gathering all the bags and supplies we get our groove on and head across town. It’s a gorgeous sunny day in Manchester. We’re in great form as we head across to Piccadilly to find the bus that takes us to the stadium… but first, to find Jonathan.
His message says he’s outside Primark. First of all this causes me some confusing. Bear in mind I’ve lived in Oire-land for 12 years and am thinking what the foof is Primark… (it’s Penneys in Corcaigh – doh!) OK so the girls put me straight. Then comes confusion part two. There are two entrances to Primark and we’re stood outside the “main main” entrance at the front, not realizing that Jonathan is stood outside the “main” entrance around the side. Eventually we meet up and get told off for being late – erm makes a change for it not to be you LOVE!!
Then Jonathan decides he needs a new outfit for the day, as in his mad rush to make the early train he has put on a mismatch of clothes that can only be described as a disaster. Heading into Penneys (I mean Primark) he starts moseying around the store. Well hold on a minute, we need to up the tempo here a small bit. So armed with Louise they head off into the male section. Think Supermarket Sweep vs What Not To Wear mash-up and you will visualize what happened in the next few minutes. Tidy. Joining the queue, that is long even for this time of the morning, Jonathan looks a little bewildered, a tad scared and somewhat alarmed as 13 girls glare at him to get a bloody move on…!!
5 minutes later, a quick change in the changing rooms and he is ready to face the world. So we’re off! (Styled by Pap Pullen, outfit by Primarni... Peppa dressed in pink tutu!!)
Heading across Piccadilly Gardens we find the bus & jump on boardddd.... take a riiiide! As if we’re on a school trip and we are naughty school kids we head straight to the back (the back back its da best) and the camera is out nice and early for some shots. Seeing the stadium outside the window ten mins later we start to get a small bit giddy. Think lady wee. Yes again, I know. Sorry.
It’s now 10am & so the mission begins. We don’t have gates on our tickets so we find the end of the stadium near the stage (Production Entrance sign is always a winner!) and take a pew for what could be a very long time.
There are about 40 people in front of us and we set down camp for the day.
Another Crew do came together, despite pricing problems with the hotel (which got sorted – thanks Mr Marriott!!) and ticket stress till the very end (which eventually got sorted – thanks Mr Ticketmaster!!) We always get there in the end…
The Weekend.
So here’s the deal. Shelley, Hayley and their friends Sue and Kay were travelling up from the Midlands. Myself and Angelaaaahhhhh were flying in from Cork after work. Louise was winging it from Wales (as usual) and there was a spare place available a couple of weeks before which the lovely Jac snapped up and made her way down on the chuff chuff from Glasgow. So 8 of us stopping at the hotel. Cary, Mand and the girls were joining us on Saturday morning. A plan that failed to come off was that Kriss was going to swap her Cardiff ticket for a Manchester one, stop at Cary’s and join the Crew – but it was not meant to be… sob sob… (or so I thought….!) Jonathan was going to join us on Saturday morning also and that was the group complete – 14 of us. Not forgetting Peppa Pig the team mascot.
As Ang & I were flying over in the evening, the rest of the girls met at the hotel, got the supplies in (thanks girls x) and went for some grub at the Printworks. Casually checking out the nekkid bike riders on the way back (as you do) – well anything is possible on a Crew Weekend. Our flight was on time, and my folks were outside the terminal ready to play taxi and drop us into Manchester.
We arrived at the hotel and asked reception for a key so we could let ourselves in… creeping up the corridors we quietly put the key in the door and threw it open! SURPRIIIISE!!! Lots of hugs and chatter, hellos to the new Crew members… nice to see you again to the long standing ones.

Lou puts on some choonage on her lappy and cue the dance moves. Never Forget in your PJs is always a winner!
Cocksucking cowboys are on the go, the new crew girls sample one… at first their arms have to be twisted but soon they’re into the spirit of it and 2 or 3 shots later they’re glad they sampled a bit of cock!
The drinks are flowing, there’s lots of laughs and naughty talk about the lads.
Singing at the top of our voices, however, is not so much a winner, and a call from reception reminds us that it’s getting late. Ooops – sorry team.
Casting our pervy eyes over the DVD we actually can’t believe ITS TOMORROW!!
As the girls head off to bed one by one, it’s just Lou, Jac, Ang and little old me left. We can’t get to sleep, we’re too excited! The 2am curfew has come and gone, and more like 3ish we get our heads down in the vain hope that we will get some rest and kip ready for tomorrow.
Awake bright and early we get ready and head down for some brekkie. Ticketmaster agreed to drop the tickets to the hotel so we are waiting anxiously for the man to arrive with “THE ENVELOPE”. Breakfast is lush, esp as its free *wink* and we hear that Cary is en-route with a car full.
Mr Manager from Ticketmaster arrives at reception bang on time and I am so pleased to finally have the tickets in my grubby little paws! In addition, he has a box of wine and fizz for us by way of an apology for the messing. Why thank you, the Crew will accept with pleasure.
Next, we hear that Cary is outside! EEEEK!!! We run outside and wave to Mand and the girls in the back. Cary says they will follow us up and she’s off to park the car – hmmm she’s wanting us out of the way. Suppose she just wants to get in and get sorted. She hands over the t-shirts which have come out very well (if I do say so myself!) and we head back up to our rooms to get ready.
We’re getting changed into our t-shirts when there’s a knock at the door. It’s all quiet so I pop my head out of the bathroom and around the corner and I would cover your ears for the next bit as it went something like this:
“AAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD!!! SQEEEEALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!” and cue lots of bouncing. Stood, at the door, is Kriss… who after telling us she couldn’t make it to Manchester plotted with Cary & Lou to get herself ooop Norf for the gig. Excited was not the word. Thanks girls for that great surprise!! *bounce bounce*
Getting a couple of messages from Jonathan, we realize that he is already in Manchester, and is early (for a change) so gathering all the bags and supplies we get our groove on and head across town. It’s a gorgeous sunny day in Manchester. We’re in great form as we head across to Piccadilly to find the bus that takes us to the stadium… but first, to find Jonathan.
His message says he’s outside Primark. First of all this causes me some confusing. Bear in mind I’ve lived in Oire-land for 12 years and am thinking what the foof is Primark… (it’s Penneys in Corcaigh – doh!) OK so the girls put me straight. Then comes confusion part two. There are two entrances to Primark and we’re stood outside the “main main” entrance at the front, not realizing that Jonathan is stood outside the “main” entrance around the side. Eventually we meet up and get told off for being late – erm makes a change for it not to be you LOVE!!
Then Jonathan decides he needs a new outfit for the day, as in his mad rush to make the early train he has put on a mismatch of clothes that can only be described as a disaster. Heading into Penneys (I mean Primark) he starts moseying around the store. Well hold on a minute, we need to up the tempo here a small bit. So armed with Louise they head off into the male section. Think Supermarket Sweep vs What Not To Wear mash-up and you will visualize what happened in the next few minutes. Tidy. Joining the queue, that is long even for this time of the morning, Jonathan looks a little bewildered, a tad scared and somewhat alarmed as 13 girls glare at him to get a bloody move on…!!
5 minutes later, a quick change in the changing rooms and he is ready to face the world. So we’re off! (Styled by Pap Pullen, outfit by Primarni... Peppa dressed in pink tutu!!)

It’s now 10am & so the mission begins. We don’t have gates on our tickets so we find the end of the stadium near the stage (Production Entrance sign is always a winner!) and take a pew for what could be a very long time.
There are about 40 people in front of us and we set down camp for the day.
The Lovely Crew Laydees do Lancaster!
When we heard that JK as Robbie was going to be doing a show on May 27th, it was decided that we had to attend. The girls thought it would be a great way to celebrate my birthday! And of course, I agreed *snigger*
With the forthcoming Take That concerts, I knew I was gonna see more of the Crew in the not too distant future, but was delighted when Lou, Cary, Kriss, Anne and Marie said lets make a date! The lovely Anne-Claire was also due to join in the fun, but due to a bad case of the chicken pox that her little 'un had it was not to be. Sob!
Boarding the smallest plane in the world in Cork, (You make me feel, that I'm on the smallest plane in the worrrrrld - to the tune of Rihanna) I set off for Manchester where the lovely Cary had offered to pick me up and take me to meet Munchie for a bit of birthday brekkie... twas fab! Was also great to see Mandy even though it was a flying visit.
Cary and I have a scoot around Runcorn to collect a few supplies and laugh at a few shops - not before heading back to the car and onto the motorway oop norf!
We hear from Kriss who is in the goldmobile and has a full house on board!
Travelling up the M6, Cary and I have a good old sing song; lots of TT and Rob featuring and lots of laughs... and this is before the others arrive. We find the hotel with ease and check in. Staff are really friendly and we like this a lot! Fantastic.
Head down to the bar (just to be sociable) for a swift one before the others arrive... well at those prices it will be just 1 aswell!
Having a natter, we are keeping our eyes on the door and before we know it we spot the gold mobile pulling up outside! Woop Woop let the fun begin!
Lou, Kriss, Anne and Marie pile into the hotel and I get told off as I am there. I don't understand.... as they disappear around the corner I hear a lot of laughs and giggles... I'm not allowed to look... then I get told I can come around but have to close my eyes.
Cue a phone call to my BB Shelley and lots of Happy Birthday singing from the girls... awwww love you lot!
Heading up to the room to chill for a while, we crack a few drinks and order some room service. In between catching up, we get ourselves ready and order a 6 seater cab to take us to the theatre (darrrrrlink!) Peppa Pig is really enjoying herself too!
We order a spot of room service, a couple of bevvies to hit the spot. There are lots of cards and gifts and I’m feeling a little overwhelmed to say the least. Thank you so much for the thoughtful gifts and lovely words in the cards...
So it’s nearly time, we head downstairs as the reception call us and inform us that our taxi is outside. Well it’s really a minibus, seeing as there’s 6 of us… as we hop into the bus, we glance to the right and we see Jim (a’la Rosie and Jim) running towards us and waving… Rosie and Jim stopping at the same hotel as us – how funny! Well best make sure we don’t take any chips back at supper time, wouldn’t want to get chiplash!! Anyhoo, Jim is gesturing to jump in our cab – obviously assuming that we are heading to the same place (we were but he wasn’t to know that… would’ve been funny if we had got him in the cab and taken him on some magical mystery tour to Preston LOL!)
Just as we are thinking what to answer, their taxi pulls up and they wave goodbye. Well goodbye for now, we would be seeing them a bit later…
The taxi driver has some great banter with us, he drops us off at the Grand. It’s an old style theatre, intimate and beautiful inside. Heading to the box office to collect our tickets, the girls head upstairs to the bar for a drink. I suggest to get the orders in for the interval to save time so we double up and head into the theatre.
We have a great view, mind you it would be hard not to have a good view from anywhere in that theatre. Settling down, we glance at our watches and realize that the show has not yet started even though its past 7.30… the theatre manager comes out with an announcement. A slight wardrobe malfunction has occurred; due to a traffic accident on the motorway and the wardrobe manager being stuck in said accident for 3 hours. All will become apparent shortly… We look at each other confused…
Having seen the show before, we knew what was coming next… or so we thought… The band start up, the lights go up… and on to the stage bounds JK – with a slightly different costume than normal. Ey’ Ey Captain!! Loving it!! We’re sailing on this ship tonight!
Although to be fair to him, he pulls it off and like the true pro he is gets stuck right into the show with a rousing rendition of Let Me Entertain You. Fantastic. The theatre is bouncing and as I look around, I know it’s going to be yet another fantastic night’s entertainment.
Moving through the set list, the Crew get busy busting some moves. Well that’s how we roll. Apologising to the ladies sat behind us, we are up, on our feet and doing the moves to every song. If you can’t beat em - join em… and glancing to the row behind us we see that the ladies are now on their feet and bouncing too! Love it!! JK moves through the Knebworth set with ease and we enjoy re-living the best of Robbie Williams. Rock DJ. Millennium. Come Undone. At the back of our minds, we are thinking about a couple of the Crew members who are at the opening night of the Progress tour that night in Sunderland, having their very own Robbie moment… but for now, we have the next best thing that is JK as Robbie. Talk about Supreme!!
True to form the first half flies by and we run to what is the smallest theatre bar in the world to nab our drinks. Super efficient, the staff already have the drinks prepared and all we need to do is collect them to save queuing up – job done!
Settling in for the second half, we know that there’s plenty more Robbie goodness to come. Swing time, and taken from the Albert Hall set, JK graces the stage with his band, in smart sharp suits and cool charisma to boot. Slowing the show down a little we sway to the classics of My Way & Mr Bojangles. Brilliant.
As the stage changes, the superb pianist goes solo at the front of the stage with a blast of Queen on the ivories… JK, complete with costume change, re-appears and starts talking to the audience. Lancaster has a big place in his heart, he says and the Grand Theatre in particular. He then engages the crowd by finding out where we have all come from, with the Crew (as usual) coming from far and wide to make the show…. Then this is where it gets embarrassing. A birthday shoutout to me along with telling the whole theatre it was my 40th! Thanks JK! Revenge is sweet is all I am saying… ;)
However the sentiment was lovely and cue a few sniffles when “She’s the One” is dedicated to Scrumptious.
The 2nd half of the show bounds on, with a lively version of Video Killed the Radio Star… it’s so lively that you can feel the balcony (circle) upstairs moving and shaking… JK as Robbie certainly made the ground move that’s for sure! Looking up to the boxes at either side of the stage, we see Jim on the right hand side – leaning out to snap a piccie – and worry for his safety as he looks like one of the hecklers from the Muppet Show ready to topple out and over the top of the box! Thankfully, he didn’t… Phew!
As the show draws to a close, JK brings the house down with Angels (it wasn’t too early to be fair…!) Bringing Robbie’s career up to date, we see the video clip of Take That with Eight Letters as a soundtrack, followed by a fantastic version of The Flood – and the Crew can’t help but get excited as we realize that in a weeks time we will be seeing Robbie and the boys. Another standing ovation at the end of the show, the cast get a well deserved cheer and huge applause and we give extra cheers to Mr JK as Robbie Williams for what was, yet again, an outstanding performance.
The theatre starts to empty as the lights come up, and with the word that it is lashing rain outside, we hang back till the crowds disperse. Having spotted a pub at the end of the road, we make a run for it and eventually arrive at the pub flipping soaked! Not before I end up going skidding down the road and ever-so-nearly end up on my arse! Thankfully I recover and just look like I've thrown some sort of weird shape outside in the rain... random like... Once inside, we bag ourselves a spot upstairs as downstairs was chocker block full – and get a whip going. Couple of rounds of drinks and the rain is forgotten. Lancaster being a University town, we attract the attention of some younger lads and laugh as they make a bee-line for us – erm excuse me lads this ain’t Cougar Town ya know!! The banter was good craic, however the full pint of Bulmers down us was not… oops! Shortly after they make a sharp exit and we get busy taking some snaps for the album… Kriss throws some baby’s dancing moves and lots of laughs follow. Mother and baby are reunited as Cary and Kriss take a pew on the edge of the sofa. Marie is giddy after deciding that she now wants to ditch hubby Michael Buble and now marry Frank Sinatra, who of course is dead! Anne and I are catching up after our last get together in Windsor and its smiles all round as per. Just another normal Crew night out!
We are then joined by Jonathan and Becky for a few cheeky birthday drinks… and not wanting to end the night early as the bar is closing, so we decide to move the party up to the Revolution bar for some more bevvies and a few vodkas. As you do, like…
Walking for what seems like forever, we finally arrive at the Revolution. There’s a table and sofas in the bay window – perfect – has our name written all over it. More drinks are purchased and we get busy having more craic… There’s plenty of banter and I come back from the bar with a round of drinks, only to find legs a-kimbo and Marie on the floor, with Kriss and Cary rolling around on the sofa! Yes it is as it sounds – very very funny! Becky heads over to try and lend a hand… Jonathan just comes over for a closer look! Typical bloke! Cue lots and lots of laughs from us and strange looks from those outside – bear in mind we were sat in the bay window on full view… In true Crew style we end up being the entertainment again… LOL!! Paparazzi Pullen manages to bag a few tidy shots for evidence, of course, and the LOL-ing starts again when we review the pics!
Walking for what seems like forever, we finally arrive at the Revolution. There’s a table and sofas in the bay window – perfect – has our name written all over it. More drinks are purchased and we get busy having more craic… There’s plenty of banter and I come back from the bar with a round of drinks, only to find legs a-kimbo and Marie on the floor, with Kriss and Cary rolling around on the sofa! Yes it is as it sounds – very very funny! Becky heads over to try and lend a hand… Jonathan just comes over for a closer look! Typical bloke! Cue lots and lots of laughs from us and strange looks from those outside – bear in mind we were sat in the bay window on full view… In true Crew style we end up being the entertainment again… LOL!! Paparazzi Pullen manages to bag a few tidy shots for evidence, of course, and the LOL-ing starts again when we review the pics!
After being told several times that it was hone time by the bouncers (well it was past 3am!) we head up the road to get some chips as we are hank marvin; if not slightly concerned about taking them back to the hotel for fear of chiplash injuries… Bagging a couple of taxis and bidding our farewells to Jonathan & Becky, we head back to the hotel, motel, holiday inn for a debrief and the usual post night out post-mortem.
Flicking through the pics and revisiting the giggles from earlier in the evening, we get changed and get our heads down. It’s fairly late – for a change – and as I look around the room I see my friends snoozing, the empty bottles of vino, Peppa Pig, the cards & gifts and the usual trail of clothes, shoes and cases, I can’t help but smile at what was yet another craic-ing crew night out. The best friends in the world manage to wreak havoc on another UK town. No Pigs, Crew Laydees or members of the public were harmed during the making of this night out ;)
Next morning we’re all awake and not in bad shape considering. We agree the plan of attack is to check out and head over to the pub across the road for a mahoosive pub grub lunch. NOMS. Louise is busy drying and straightening her hair, and Cary dives into the shower. Cue steamy windows (well they are hot stuff) and as the bathroom door opens (complete with Cary half dressed with towel on her head) we hear the dulcet tones of the smoke alarm ringing in our ears. OUCH! Thinking that it will stop we decide to do nothing and stay put. The phone in the room goes, and Lou answers it – “are we alright?” “erm yes we are fine” replies Lou… “only the alarm is coming from your room…” WHAT THE FOOF BOARD!! Seems that the over-sensitive fire alarm was triggered by the heat and steam and as a result the whole hotel has to be evacuated. Oops. We trudge downstairs, half dressed, half PJs, and assemble in the car park. Looking across we see Rosie and Jim, and the words “broken biscuits” spring to mind in relation to Rosie. Bless her.
The staff give us the all clear to head back into the hotel, where we are greeted by the lovely chief fireman-person leaving our room with the comment “Good night, was it” being shouted down the corridor. We are not sure what he means, until we re-enter the room and realize there is a shed load of booze, empty bottles, cake and snacks on the desk! LOL – at least he had a sense of humour!
Checking out, we head across the road for a big feast. Lots of nom noms are heard around the table, and also laughs about the craic from the night before. Yet another Crew do comes to a close and as we finish our lunches we are down-hearted that this one seems to have gone too fast. The only thing that can cheer us up is the thought of making PROGRESS next week in Manchester! Woop Woop!
Such a shame though that Kriss couldn’t make it and that Anne is already booked in with Kriss to go to Wembley. Ah well, we make plans to see them at Stoke and as Anne, Marie, Lou and Kriss jump into the GoldMobile, Cary & I wave them off… not before heading back on to the motorway to head towards Liverpool Hairyport for my flight home.
JK as Robbie,
Let Me Entertain You,
PV Crew,
Robbie Williams,
Take That
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Blackpool gets Well & Truly Crewed!
Back at the hotel it's kinda organised chaos as we get ready. Clothes and shoes everywhere... make up and hair straightners shared... a few voddys on the go to get us in the mood! The bus is collecting us at 6.30 so we're against the clock. As per usual! However it all comes good when the bus arrives and we are all but ready.
Purses - check. Boas - check. Halos - check. Theatre tickets - double check. Couple of extra bottles of fizz for the bus - check. Camera - check. Paperazzi Pullen has her new turbo cam and we are already dreading some of the FB pics!!
So Anne, Kriss, Jac, Allison, Dot, Suzie, Mandy, Cary, Paula, Rena, Marie, Louise, Angela and My good self board the party bus to get the show on the road. Putting on a bit of Robbie Williams to get us in the mood, Leeds is displayed around the bus on all the screens and on the giant plasma at the back of the bus. With the 2 extra bottles of fizz, we have 5 in total and someone comments that we might not get through them all in an hour- thats a challenge if I've ever heard one! We have a right laugh as we go on our cruise and I'm really pleased that the party bus is a hit! Peppa decides to try a bit of piggy pole dancing - she told us she was a quiet little piggy; well what a load of porkies that was!
We arrive at the theatre and outside there are a number of fountains! PMSL @ Paula, well she loves a good fountain! Assembling for our photo call outside the bus, the driver is happy to oblige with a pic or two and we wave him off as we head into the theatre out of the cold. Finding our seats, we are pleased to see that we are really close to the stage and have the whole row to ourselves...! Thanks to our mate JK for sorting out those tickets :) A quick pit stop at the bar takes us into the foyer of the Winter Gardens - they have done an amazing job refurbishing the place and there was really a sense of occasion about the venue. Perfect for the entertainment in store that evening....
Now if you haven't heard about the show, and you want to read the proper review check out HERE for more info.
Let Me Entertain You was everything that One Night of Robbie Williams was last year.... and more! The performances that night in Blackpool were high energy, polished and perfected. The Crew were up on their feet and bouncing through most of the show. Even Paula and her little bump were bouncing! There were a couple of the new Crew who had not seen the show before, and they were completely blown away. Complete with a revised set list and some new tracks we were loving our Robbie-fix. Video Killed the Radio Star was a highlight; not to mention all the old favourites. Peppa got so excited at one part in the show, she jumped right out of Lou's hand and pig-apulted (well she didn't catapult, what do you think she is, a kitty??!!) herself onto the stage... that pig loves JK!
Upon leaving the theatre, we follow Kriss as she is our (Brendan Coach Trip!) guide whilst in Blackpool and we head to the nearest bar - which turns out to be the bar we were in yesterday. Bagsy-ing a table and mine-sweeping chairs and stools from all around the bar we get comfy for a couple of bevvies and to have a de-brief on the evening so far.
There is a couple sat on the table next to us and we are amusing them with our chatter and chair dancing! We spot the jukebox on the wall and so does our new friend sat next door, so he goes to pick a few tracks and of course he puts a couple of Robbie tunes on for us! Thanks mister! Making friends everywhere we go.... :) Of course whenever we hear Rob we can't help but sing and this was no exception. More drink? Oh if you insist... so we get another whip going. The bottles (not glasses, yes bottles) of Vino are going down a treat. Cue a couple of texts and we decide to change venue. Out of the side door, cross the road and straight into another bar! I won't lie to you, it was already an immense evening!

A little later, Kriss gets up to do a duet with JK... and for the 2nd time that night we hear "Things". What a laugh... proper banter between the two of them and the Crew are again on their feet, as are most of the bar. At the end of the performance, Kriss gets a resounding "You're Hired" from JK and as she plans to run away with the band I go and get another round in with the help of Anne. Jac and Allison are in great form, Rena & Paula are enjoying the buzz, Angel-aahhh is busy chatting to JK's uncle (the Irish connection LOL) Dot has her feet up at the bar - well after wearing those shoes are you surprised? Cary & Suze are LOLLING at the old duffer that is chatting up Mand. We always attract them, its true! Marie offers to two time Mickey B and in a u-turn decides she wasnt to be with Kriss instead. Oh it's all going on... Anne and I have only turned our back for 2 mins hehe! When the band finish, a DJ plays a few tunes (well a guy with laptop - god must be getting old as there wasn't a record in sight pmsl!) We of course put a few requests in and have a bop and sing along. Yes, we entertain for free ladies and gentlemen!
We acost JK for some pics and Lou wants to give him his pressie - a t-shirt - there's only one word to say about that... SHABBA! You gotta love Robbie for that one! As usual JK is happy to oblige and we gingerly hand over our cameras to some drunken strangers in the pub... There's a mixed bag of pics from them (always the case) and half of the Crew decide its that time to head back to the hotel to recharge their batteries & hit the hay. The rest of us stay put for... yes.... you've guessed it... a lock in! Well it wouldn't be a PV Crew Do without one!
Sat around the table, we are engaged in some right good chat with the occasional pit stop to head to the bar for a refill. However the bar has ran out of lemon AND lime for our Coronas (ma ma ma myyy Corona) so we have to recycle and nick the slice from our last drink. Classy but needs must... Speaking of classy, we continue to take pissed up pics and laugh at the ones from earlier - which include Marie having a drink with Jesus and JK. yes thats right who's in the house... Jesus in the house!
Speaking of time, we check our watches and see its 4.30am... another night of epic proportions. Lots of laughs and girlie chat. Plenty of Robbie-ness as per usual. Bevvies galore. Some singing, some dancing and a lot of pics! With our Halos on and a trail of feathers left behind us, we thank the bar staff for looking after us and thank JK for entertaining us and bid them farewell. Back at the hotel, the sensible people are already in bed, the semi sensible people decide to head to bed and Lou and I decide to have a cocksucking cowboy. At 5am. Disgrace is not the word. Wouldn't want to change a single thing about the night. Bloody loved it and all that were involved in it!
The next morning we head down for brekkie - Angel-aahhh pulls a sicknote for the 2nd day and Cary nicknames her "Angela Power-less!" We get stuck in to the soakage prepared by Kriss' uncle - mega nom noms... If you're ever in Blackpool do stop by the Colris Hotel on the Central Prom. The hospitality is second to none and their breakfast is BANG TIDY!
Back up in the rooms, its the mammoth task of packing and as per usual we end up taking home more than we came with. Dividing out the booze and remaining snacks to make sure they go to a good home, packing up the Crew kits of shot pots, boas and halos... This is the bit that I don't like. And as the girls start to depart one by one, we know that its the end of another crack-ling weekend courtesy of some of the best friends you could want. The PV Crew.
I'm not gonna lie to ya, I was feeling kinda fed up the last few weeks as had PMD (Post-Meet Depression) Having written this it's given me the chance to revisit all the fun we had... All I can say is bring on my Birthday and bring on Take That... Lets 'Ave It!
Saturday Shenanigans in da Pool...
It's early. The smell of Brekkie is wafting from downstairs. Kriss knocks on to our room and for some bizarre reason we start our rendition of the bit in Big... you know where Tom Hanks is rapping with that kid... you knowwwww - this bit...
Was random as FOOF!
Marie is still in bed, Angela is comatose but Louise and I are fighting fit (ahem) and raring to go. OK - so raring would be a slight exaggeration but we were a lot more raring than the other two!
Mosying down for food, we join the others that made it to brekkie - minus Angel-ahhh as she's still chilling in her beddie-byes. Ofcourse we consume a couple of pink pills to keep the head clear... Purely painkillers for medicinal purposes, what do you take us for?? I grab a OJ, a sausage and some toast and send that back up to Angela to keep her strength up! We tuck in to a mean feast complete with mega brews and juices.
It's that time when we know there are more peoples en-route - Facebooks are being updated, texts are being received and the phone is hopping! Cary, Mand and Suze are in the motor hurtling up the motorway from Runcorn....Paula and Rena are on the chuff chuff cross country. Dot is getting a lift from her other half - coming from Bolton she is the nearest to Blackpool so should be on time, right? LMAO!

The girls all start to arrive and once Dot pulls up in front of the hotel we know we are good to go! Yes she was the last (but by no means least!) to arrive... We're ready, and set so get going down the Prom towards the Pleasure Beach.
A couple of the Crew make a pit stop at McDonalds - Mandy leads the way as she heads in for a munch... Angela and Allison set off on a reet power walk and hurtle down the Prom like two women possessed! The rest of us take a more leisurely stroll and reach our destination refreshed and ready for our next adventure. The Big One!
Deciding who is making the brave move to the queue, we had over our bags, phones, cameras to the ones who are sensible and not going on The Big One... and join the queue!
Not realising how long the queue actually is, we wave goodbye to our fellow Crew members and step into the unknown. Despite it being off peak, its quite a busy Saturday in the Pleasure Beach and yet they only have one car on the Big One... one question - WHY? We put this minor set back to one side & stick with it. Peppa is joining us on the Big One although the naughty piglet did not pay her entry fee to get on and is excitedly oinking away in Kriss' coat pocket. She's a handful is Peppa. I'm sure Percy Pig is better behaved!
Not realising how long the queue actually is, we wave goodbye to our fellow Crew members and step into the unknown. Despite it being off peak, its quite a busy Saturday in the Pleasure Beach and yet they only have one car on the Big One... one question - WHY? We put this minor set back to one side & stick with it. Peppa is joining us on the Big One although the naughty piglet did not pay her entry fee to get on and is excitedly oinking away in Kriss' coat pocket. She's a handful is Peppa. I'm sure Percy Pig is better behaved!
We finally get our place on the ride - cue logs of screaming from me and lots of woo-hoos from the others. Peppa loved it and even posed for the photo too! Tidy!
We split up into 2 groups - some head off for more rides, the others head to the bar where we come across the tiniest glasses of wine ever known to man... or woman... We prefer a more generous serving lol! Checking our watches, we see that the afternoon has passed us by so decide to start the walk back to get our slap on and prepare for a mahoosive night. As we head back we stop for some fast food to keep us going. Eat shizer, drink shizer and talk lots of shizer - that's what the Crew weekends are all about and this one was no exception!
Dot he doesn't normally "eat crap like this" - much to the dismay of the Hot Dog vendor who sold it to her and heard what she said! Hilarious! A trip to Blackpool would not be complete without purchasing some Blackpool Rock and as we are buying the whole stall, Louise slopes off to get up to some mischief... upon her return she has a little something for JK and after giving us a flash, we all approve!! ;)
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
The Crew goes Crackers in Blackpool... (Go For It!) Yes It's Funtime Friday!
Setting off to Blackpool with the folks (dropping me off - thanks parent-type-peoples!) was reminiscent of being a kid again... hurtling down the motorway... first one to spot the Tower gets a Mars Bar! LOL!
Pulling up to the train station at Blackpool North, I see Kriss, Louise, Anne and Marie all outside. Not met Marie or Anne before but you would never guess and lots of hugs and chatter already... wave my folks off (aswell as the woofer!) and glance back into the station - only to see Allison and Jac coming through the barriers! Woop woop! Timed to perfection as always!
More hugs and we decide to take a well earned break after all our travelling - so with Kriss leading the way we head for the nearest pub. Which, as luck might have it, is just around the corner.
I head to the bar to get a round in and discover that its only a pound extra for a double.. well it would be rude not too, so starting as we mean to go on we grab a few bevvies and catch up! Getting to know the new members of Crew is easy; it's like they have always been there.
We head over to the hotel - Kriss has been so kind in getting us in at her Aunt & Uncles place on Central Prom. Result. Lovely hospitality and mucho cheapness re price; not to mention a great brekkie (but more about that later) We're on the top floor - "the penthouse section" -- PMSL more like stick em up there out of the way the naughty minxs!!
Pulling up to the train station at Blackpool North, I see Kriss, Louise, Anne and Marie all outside. Not met Marie or Anne before but you would never guess and lots of hugs and chatter already... wave my folks off (aswell as the woofer!) and glance back into the station - only to see Allison and Jac coming through the barriers! Woop woop! Timed to perfection as always!
More hugs and we decide to take a well earned break after all our travelling - so with Kriss leading the way we head for the nearest pub. Which, as luck might have it, is just around the corner.
I head to the bar to get a round in and discover that its only a pound extra for a double.. well it would be rude not too, so starting as we mean to go on we grab a few bevvies and catch up! Getting to know the new members of Crew is easy; it's like they have always been there.
We head over to the hotel - Kriss has been so kind in getting us in at her Aunt & Uncles place on Central Prom. Result. Lovely hospitality and mucho cheapness re price; not to mention a great brekkie (but more about that later) We're on the top floor - "the penthouse section" -- PMSL more like stick em up there out of the way the naughty minxs!!
After a sit-me-down to catch our breath and a fast beverage, we decide that food is in order. Plan is to find a greasy spoon, head back to the hotel, get changed and head out for some cheesy choons and a few shandies.... Making a quick pit stop for supplies before dinner (priorities sorted, see!!) However - In reality it panned out like this:
Head to offie for booze and snacks. Lots of them. Found a greasy spoon after walking the quiet streets (remember its off peak!) called Mickey Finns... appropriate considering we have the ingrediants for CSCs ready to be consumed. Head back to the hotel (via Coral Island... complete with jokes about Wankdrews!!) after a feast fit for... erm... a king? a queen? Well anyway it was tasty. Not very healthy or nutricious but we're hardly at a health spa for the weekend!! This weekend is far from posh yaknow!
Back at the hotel, we convene in the party room - which if you are a regular reader you will know that this is always a room that I am in and a room that invariably gets absolutely twatted (in the words of Gwen, from Gavin & Stacey) So we have a swift voddy whilst deciding what to do and where to go. Fast forward an hour and guess where we still are? Yes that's right, in the room still deciding what to do and where to go. One thing is for certain, drinking is agreed. Angela texts from Cork Airport, she is on time and getting in the mood by having a beverage in the hairyport... well it would be rude not to! Peppa Pig joins us this time and joins in the fun by having a crackling time... she can't wait for tomorrow to see her favourite show Let Me Entertain You!
We're having a reet good goss, the booze is flowing and we are in great spirits for our night tomorrow. Looking forward to the rest of the Crew joining us and being entertained by some fab entertainment.
It's getting on for midnight, and Angela arrives - straight from work via a plane, a train and an automobile.... (well this is a Crew do, that's how we roll, baby!) and I have a Bulmers chilling (in the sink) ready and waiting for her! Booze cracked, boots off and she too is chilling to the Max - fully introduced to half the Crew and ready to be introduced (or should that be inducted!!) to the rest of the mentalists tomorrow...
We give in to the temptation that is staying in and getting comfy, but are missing a bit of choonage. Kriss comes prepared and heads off to her room, only to return quick as a flash with iphone, charger and mini speakers - JOB DONE! Cue sing song of epic proportions and a bit of a ticking off from one or two of our neighbours (sorry - oops!) Lots of Robbie on of course with a bit of the George in between and some Take That... mixed up with some vodka, some cocksucking cowboys and some bacon fries - much to Peppa dismay. Jac and Allison are now part of the furniture and we are putting the world bang to rights with gusto. A lorra lorra laughs follow as we share tales and plot the shenanigans for tomorrow... Anne and Angela are having a great chinwag, but we hi-jack Ang for some Robbie edu-ma-cation and Kriss shows her the delight that is the Lovelight video. Hubba hubba!
An impromptu sing along to Willow Smith's "I Whip My Hair Back & Forth" can mean only one thing... Lots of hair being swished back and forth; least of all by Kriss who does a mean version of it amidst lots of laughs from us lot!
An impromptu sing along to Willow Smith's "I Whip My Hair Back & Forth" can mean only one thing... Lots of hair being swished back and forth; least of all by Kriss who does a mean version of it amidst lots of laughs from us lot!
Marie says shes gonna bagsy the top bunk, theres CSC all over mine and Angela bed (cock all over our bed - aren't we the lucky ones!) and Lou is able to do starfish-ies in hers! As the girls head off to bed one by one, there's just the hardcore ones left standing - well when I say standing I really mean slouching on the bed in some sort of alcohol induced state!
It's late as usual. It's always late when we get together but then again there's time for sleep when we are back home! Jac is on it like a car bonnet and is wide awake clubs - this may be down to the Vodka Red Bulls consumed earlier - who knows!
As we bid farewells to the visitors to our room, we inspect the bomb site that is our room... Bottles of vodka. Champers in the bath. Sweets, crisps and Bacon Fries all over the shop... Halos and Boas strewn on the floor. Several pairs of hair straighteners on the side. Cases and clothes pushed under chairs and beds. Just another Crew night in!
Lou and I check out Marie - who is sparked out in her top bunk and Angela - who has crashed out in her clothes. Good girls - they have both been well and truly Crewed. Our work here is done for now so after a big cuddle (BNIALW) Lou and I decide to hit the hay and look forward to the fun and frolics that the rest of the weekend has in store!
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Review - Let Me Entertain You - starring JK as Robbie Williams
So the girls and I decided to venture to the newly refurbished Winter Gardens on last Saturday to watch Let Me Entertain You – as you can probably guess this is a show dedicated to the musical career of Robbie Williams. (with the fabulous JK as Robbie leading the show!)
From the minute the show kicked off, we knew it was going to be a great night. Starting with “Let Me Entertain You” we were taken back to Knebworth, which has to be the pinnacle of Robbie Williams career. We were transported through Robbie’s back catalogue – classic hits such as Rock DJ, Feel, Millennium and Come Undone were all in there; mixed with Bodies, You Know Me and Morning Sun from Robbie’s most recent solo album. Fantastic live performances of Monsoon and Strong were also part of the set, reminding you of how great Robbie is at getting the audience involved!
Easing us into the 2nd half, we were treated to a wonderful swing section and reminded of the classic Albert Hall concert. This certainly raised the profile of “Robbie Williams – the Performer” and JK did himself proud. Footage of Sammy Davis Jr and Frank Sinatra were projected above the stage, which really drove home the sense of the occasion. A superb version of She’s the One followed the swing set – just JK on vocals and a fantastic pianist; and you could just tell that they both enjoyed the song as much as the audience did.
The thing about JK as Robbie is that his mannerisms and the way he performs is uncannily like Robbie; whilst the performance itself was energetic, engaging and vocally brilliant. “Are you with me?” was the call from JK and looking around the theatre, the audience most certainly were.
In true Robbie style, there were a few cover versions and the audience were lapping up Suspicious Minds and Video Killed the Radio Star – which Robbie covered at his Electric Proms concert with Trevor Horn in 2009. Not forgetting the live version of Back for Good. With plenty of audience participation throughout the night, this was definitely – in the words of Mr Williams – “A bouncing session!”
To complete the story of Robbie’s career, we were brought full circle and the show was drawn to a close with a fabulous montage of Eight Letters, before launching into The Flood – paying tribute to Robbie rejoining Take That late last year. Not forgetting the hit that everyone knows when you mention Robbie Williams – Angels as the encore.
Cue 700 people on their feet, clapping and cheering; it was safe to say we had definitely been entertained! For us it was non-stop and the girls who had not seen JK perform before all commented that the essence of a live Robbie gig had been captured in that theatre that night! We all felt like we had been put through our paces; not to mention JK who himself said he was replacing this weeks gym sessions with the performance he had put down that night.
With fantastic set changes, superb costumes, a full band and dancers, JK rocked the Opera House for a solid two and a half hours… now that’s great value for money! And I've only covered a few of the highlights! The show opened to rapturous applause last year at the Regent Theatre, Stoke - where Robbie Williams' father Pete Conway also enjoyed the performance.
At the beginning of the night, JK told us that this was not just a tribute show, this was a celebration of the career of one of the most successful pop acts in the last 20 years and he wanted to do it justice. He was right – it was, and he certainly did!
A must see show for any Robbie Williams fan! Should Let Me Entertain You come to a theatre near you I would highly recommend it.
From the minute the show kicked off, we knew it was going to be a great night. Starting with “Let Me Entertain You” we were taken back to Knebworth, which has to be the pinnacle of Robbie Williams career. We were transported through Robbie’s back catalogue – classic hits such as Rock DJ, Feel, Millennium and Come Undone were all in there; mixed with Bodies, You Know Me and Morning Sun from Robbie’s most recent solo album. Fantastic live performances of Monsoon and Strong were also part of the set, reminding you of how great Robbie is at getting the audience involved!
Easing us into the 2nd half, we were treated to a wonderful swing section and reminded of the classic Albert Hall concert. This certainly raised the profile of “Robbie Williams – the Performer” and JK did himself proud. Footage of Sammy Davis Jr and Frank Sinatra were projected above the stage, which really drove home the sense of the occasion. A superb version of She’s the One followed the swing set – just JK on vocals and a fantastic pianist; and you could just tell that they both enjoyed the song as much as the audience did.
The thing about JK as Robbie is that his mannerisms and the way he performs is uncannily like Robbie; whilst the performance itself was energetic, engaging and vocally brilliant. “Are you with me?” was the call from JK and looking around the theatre, the audience most certainly were.
In true Robbie style, there were a few cover versions and the audience were lapping up Suspicious Minds and Video Killed the Radio Star – which Robbie covered at his Electric Proms concert with Trevor Horn in 2009. Not forgetting the live version of Back for Good. With plenty of audience participation throughout the night, this was definitely – in the words of Mr Williams – “A bouncing session!”
To complete the story of Robbie’s career, we were brought full circle and the show was drawn to a close with a fabulous montage of Eight Letters, before launching into The Flood – paying tribute to Robbie rejoining Take That late last year. Not forgetting the hit that everyone knows when you mention Robbie Williams – Angels as the encore.
Cue 700 people on their feet, clapping and cheering; it was safe to say we had definitely been entertained! For us it was non-stop and the girls who had not seen JK perform before all commented that the essence of a live Robbie gig had been captured in that theatre that night! We all felt like we had been put through our paces; not to mention JK who himself said he was replacing this weeks gym sessions with the performance he had put down that night.
With fantastic set changes, superb costumes, a full band and dancers, JK rocked the Opera House for a solid two and a half hours… now that’s great value for money! And I've only covered a few of the highlights! The show opened to rapturous applause last year at the Regent Theatre, Stoke - where Robbie Williams' father Pete Conway also enjoyed the performance.
At the beginning of the night, JK told us that this was not just a tribute show, this was a celebration of the career of one of the most successful pop acts in the last 20 years and he wanted to do it justice. He was right – it was, and he certainly did!
A must see show for any Robbie Williams fan! Should Let Me Entertain You come to a theatre near you I would highly recommend it.
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