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Tuesday, 5 April 2011

The Crew goes Crackers in Blackpool... (Go For It!) Yes It's Funtime Friday!

Setting off to Blackpool with the folks (dropping me off - thanks parent-type-peoples!) was reminiscent of being a kid again... hurtling down the motorway... first one to spot the Tower gets a Mars Bar! LOL!
Pulling up to the train station at Blackpool North, I see Kriss, Louise, Anne and Marie all outside. Not met Marie or Anne before but you would never guess and lots of hugs and chatter already... wave my folks off (aswell as the woofer!) and glance back into the station - only to see Allison and Jac coming through the barriers! Woop woop! Timed to perfection as always!
More hugs and we decide to take a well earned break after all our travelling - so with Kriss leading the way we head for the nearest pub. Which, as luck might have it, is just around the corner.

I head to the bar to get a round in and discover that its only a pound extra for a double.. well it would be rude not too, so starting as we mean to go on we grab a few bevvies and catch up! Getting to know the new members of Crew is easy; it's like they have always been there.
We head over to the hotel - Kriss has been so kind in getting us in at her Aunt & Uncles place on Central Prom. Result. Lovely hospitality and mucho cheapness re price; not to mention a great brekkie (but more about that later) We're on the top floor - "the penthouse section" -- PMSL more like stick em up there out of the way the naughty minxs!!
After a sit-me-down to catch our breath and a fast beverage, we decide that food is in order. Plan is to find a greasy spoon, head back to the hotel, get changed and head out for some cheesy choons and a few shandies.... Making a quick pit stop for supplies before dinner (priorities sorted, see!!) However - In reality it panned out like this:
Head to offie for booze and snacks. Lots of them. Found a greasy spoon after walking the quiet streets (remember its off peak!) called Mickey Finns... appropriate considering we have the ingrediants for CSCs ready to be consumed. Head back to the hotel (via Coral Island... complete with jokes about Wankdrews!!) after a feast fit for... erm... a king? a queen? Well anyway it was tasty. Not very healthy or nutricious but we're hardly at a health spa for the weekend!! This weekend is far from posh yaknow!
Back at the hotel, we convene in the party room - which if you are a regular reader you will know that this is always a room that I am in and a room that invariably gets absolutely twatted (in the words of Gwen, from Gavin & Stacey) So we have a swift voddy whilst deciding what to do and where to go. Fast forward an hour and guess where we still are? Yes that's right, in the room still deciding what to do and where to go. One thing is for certain, drinking is agreed. Angela texts from Cork Airport, she is on time and getting in the mood by having a beverage in the hairyport... well it would be rude not to! Peppa Pig joins us this time and joins in the fun by having a crackling time... she can't wait for tomorrow to see her favourite show Let Me Entertain You!
We're having a reet good goss, the booze is flowing and we are in great spirits for our night tomorrow. Looking forward to the rest of the Crew joining us and being entertained by some fab entertainment.
It's getting on for midnight, and Angela arrives - straight from work via a plane, a train and an automobile.... (well this is a Crew do, that's how we roll, baby!) and I have a Bulmers chilling (in the sink) ready and waiting for her! Booze cracked, boots off and she too is chilling to the Max - fully introduced to half the Crew and ready to be introduced (or should that be inducted!!) to the rest of the mentalists tomorrow...
We give in to the temptation that is staying in and getting comfy, but are missing a bit of choonage. Kriss comes prepared and heads off to her room, only to return quick as a flash with iphone, charger and mini speakers - JOB DONE! Cue sing song of epic proportions and a bit of a ticking off from one or two of our neighbours (sorry - oops!) Lots of Robbie on of course with a bit of the George in between and some Take That... mixed up with some vodka, some cocksucking cowboys and some bacon fries - much to Peppa dismay. Jac and Allison are now part of the furniture and we are putting the world bang to rights with gusto. A lorra lorra laughs follow as we share tales and plot the shenanigans for tomorrow... Anne and Angela are having a great chinwag, but we hi-jack Ang for some Robbie edu-ma-cation and Kriss shows her the delight that is the Lovelight video. Hubba hubba!
An impromptu sing along to Willow Smith's "I Whip My Hair Back & Forth" can mean only one thing... Lots of hair being swished back and forth; least of all by Kriss who does a mean version of it amidst lots of laughs from us lot!
Marie says shes gonna bagsy the top bunk, theres CSC all over mine and Angela bed (cock all over our bed - aren't we the lucky ones!) and Lou is able to do starfish-ies in hers! As the girls head off to bed one by one, there's just the hardcore ones left standing - well when I say standing I really mean slouching on the bed in some sort of alcohol induced state!

It's late as usual. It's always late when we get together but then again there's time for sleep when we are back home! Jac is on it like a car bonnet and is wide awake clubs - this may be down to the Vodka Red Bulls consumed earlier - who knows!
As we bid farewells to the visitors to our room, we inspect the bomb site that is our room... Bottles of vodka. Champers in the bath. Sweets, crisps and Bacon Fries all over the shop... Halos and Boas strewn on the floor. Several pairs of hair straighteners on the side. Cases and clothes pushed under chairs and beds. Just another Crew night in!
Lou and I check out Marie - who is sparked out in her top bunk and Angela - who has crashed out in her clothes. Good girls - they have both been well and truly Crewed. Our work here is done for now so after a big cuddle (BNIALW) Lou and I decide to hit the hay and look forward to the fun and frolics that the rest of the weekend has in store! 


  1. Awwwwwwww, Excellent read Sam... I sooooo need to meet yee all.


  2. pmsl!!
    Brings all the madness back ;) Was well and truely Crewed and what a great bunch of girls! Oh and them CSC's are just to DIE for!!
    Great read Sam and look forward to part 2!! xx

  3. Glad you liked it ladies... Mel thats a definate! Allison it was brilliant to have you part of the weekend... here's to the next one x

    OH and part 2 coming sooooon - I've the afternoon done just gotta finish the eve and choose a few pics :)

  4. Im pmsl here reading all this and different things keep popping into my head that someone said or did, i think when Angela was getting educated with the Lovelight video me and Lou were drooling over How Peculiar from RW Show on my phone lol.
    Cant wait to read part 2 xxx

  5. Aw loving that Sam...another blinder of a blog and made me PMP quite a few times....fabbo times xx

  6. Just fab fab fab blog mate :) xx
