The girls were all en-route. If you’re meeting us for the 1st time – hellllo! We come from all over the place. To give you an idea, we are talking: London, Leeds, Norfolk, Port Talbot, Runcorn, Rutland, Stafford and finally Cork in Ireland. Meets are often difficult to arrange where everyone can go due to travel, timing, kids etc so this one was extra special as everyone would be on board the party train at some point during the weekend. So here I introduce Randy Rena, Dirty Debbss, Kinky Kriss, Lusty Lou, Pervy Paula, Shexy Shelley, Curvy Cary, Minxy Mandy and me, Scrumptious Sam.
The Meet...
Meeting at Stoke train station was a breeze. For once, trains were on time for everyone; and despite my half hour delay (cheers Aer Fungus!) I managed to get the time back somehow. Shelley, Kriss and Paula were already at the station and we said we would wait on for Louise to occur an hour later! Kriss kindly offered to give us a spin in her batmobile to the hotel, where Cary, Mandy and Rena had already landed. The George Hotel is ace. It’s like faulty towers, but it’s our Faulty Towers and we love it. There is always a warm welcome and a brekkie in the morning (juice but no glasses!) and it’s across the road from the Red Lion – a regular haunt of ours when in town.
Popping to Subway to get a sarnie (Subway – the official food of the PV Crew!) and downing a swift half passed the time… Louise was here and with a “Whatssss Occuringggg” shouted across the road we were off and on our way.
At The George, there were hugs a plenty. That’s the thing with the Crew, you wouldn’t think that we had not seen each other for the last 6 months or so. There’s never an awkward silence when the Crew are in town! Sorting the rooms, we headed upstairs to unpack. As per usual the bar was set up 1st, well it wouldn’t be a PV Crew Party without our sponsors!
Swapping gifts, hugs, and t-shirts; whilst having a cheeky drink we got into our Laydee Lympics tops and head for the Red Lion. Home colours of course - Black & Gold seeing as we are in Burslem!

Now when I say minibus that’s what I told the girls. In reality I ordered a platinum limo so we could arrive at the Regent Theatre in style, along with 2 bottles of champers to get us in the party mood! Imagine when Shelley and Kriss went outside the hotel and tried to hop in an actual minibus that was parked over the road… PMSL! Only to then see the limo at the side of the hotel… I could hear them shrieking and laughing upstairs in the room! Classic! All into our dresses, I look at my friends and see we scrubbed up really well.
So we are in the limo and on our way… I’ve Got a Feeling; that tonights gonna be a good night! Arriving at the Regent, a number of heads turned as the limo pulled up. Needless to say as us rabble piled out they realize it’s not the VIPs they thought LOL! Heading into the Regent we take a couple of pics, score a drink at the bar (4.70 for a wine – what are you thinking people?) and head in to take our seats. The place was packed and everyone was in good spirits.
As the band started, we knew we were not going to be in our seats for long… standing up, cheering, clapping, “one hand in the air-ing”, bouncing… all part of the show. Well it was for us. Paula decided to stay in the aisle seat and of course when Rudebox came on, the shoes were OFF and she was busting a move or two! 99% of the people in the theatre were up and participating – sure that’s what Rob’s music is all about! You always get the odd one though who refrains and that’s cool as long as they don’t expect us to refrain with them! If you want to read a full review of the show, check out my last post HERE!
and if you are thinking of going to see it, DO - becauseyou won’t be disappointed.
Later than scheduled (because JK was staying up on that stage for the whole night!) we head out of the theatre and decide on our plans for the rest of the evening. Well the night was still young…
I spotted a bar across the street, tables outside and a chippy opposite. PERFECT. Chips and alcohol. Just what we needed. Heading across the street and straight for a couple of empty seats, we rested our weary tootsies and took turns to get food. Who would’ve thought a night at the theatre would have been so exhausting!
Inside we pop to get a round of drinks and we settle on a table outside to set up camp! On the table next to us, there’s a friendly looking older guy with glasses. A couple of the Crew are asking each other if it’s Pete Conway, Rob’s dad… We can’t decide and are too shy to ask directly. Yes that’s right, we are shy and retiring types us lot!
As Pete gets up to leave with his friend, who is smartly dressed in a suit, I shout “See ya Pete” down the street – at which point he turns around, looks at us and replies “I’m coming back in a minute!”
So that settles that, it’s either a guy called Pete who looks like Rob’s dad or it’s a guy called Pete who is Rob’s dad… Upon his return we found out he was the latter. And what a gentleman he was. Not wanting to intrude on his social time, we asked was it ok to chat for a while and Pete agreed. Asking us what brought us to town, we told him about the show, and about the Port Vale Crew… How we got together, why we got together, our travels etc. We said that it was his son’s fault and he laughed! Pete is happy to chat about footie, cricket, Britain’s Got Talent, Wales, Stoke and the show we had all just seen. We ask him is he off to Soccer Aid and he replies that he was going to watch it on the telly, but that Rob had been taking it seriously and has been training for 4 weeks. The following day when we saw Rob getting off the coach tanned and in great shape, we knew that Pete was telling the truth!

Pete’s friend, “Herbie” I think his name was, was also a gent. He soon got into the swing of things with the Crew and was a right larf… took a bit of persuading to get him to lend Paula his jacket mind you, but eventually we were on to a winner! Pete is stood in the street at this point, and when we look up, we see JK running towards the pub from the theatre. Pete threw open his arms to gesture to JK and they gave each other a right big bear hug. Now if you hadn’t been aware of the show that night, it was a proper double take moment as from afar it looked like Pete and Rob together!
“My 2nd son” Pete says to JK and everybody laughs. At this point the pub is pretty crowded and a good time is being had by all! It’s been roughly 2 hours since the show, and there’s a great buzz around. Pete is still there chatting away and Herbie is getting to know the crew better too. We stop to chat to a Police Sergeant patrolling the area and nab him for a quick photo… ‘ello ‘ello ‘ello what do we have here?!? Thankfully he didn’t arrest us; well we are good girls, honest!
Pete and Herbie say their goodbyes but not before posing for a couple of pics with us lot. It was really lovely to meet them both and a pair of gents they were… The pub was closing, but in true PV Crew form we scored a lock in and headed inside with JK, the band, and some friends of the group. Sitting round the table, we reviewed the evening’s antics so far, chattering about the show and laughing at what had just happened outside. Lots of cameras around snapping pics, JK settled in for a few snaps too… Rosie and Jim… Hear the Drummer get Wicked… too many laughs to mention.
Calling it a night just after 3, a minibus was ordered to take us back to The George… where upon arrival a couple of us think that Cocksucking Cowboys were in order and carried on with a few shots before hitting the hay. Just another ordinary Saturday night in Stoke for the girls!
What a night girls.... what a weekend...
ReplyDeleteLove the bones of ya all x
well what can i say about this then ..... what a fantastic night much laughing and so many memories of you all ... i loves ya all like jelly tots xxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeletei love you more than cupcakes!