Back at the hotel it's kinda organised chaos as we get ready. Clothes and shoes everywhere... make up and hair straightners shared... a few voddys on the go to get us in the mood! The bus is collecting us at 6.30 so we're against the clock. As per usual! However it all comes good when the bus arrives and we are all but ready.
Purses - check. Boas - check. Halos - check. Theatre tickets - double check. Couple of extra bottles of fizz for the bus - check. Camera - check. Paperazzi Pullen has her new turbo cam and we are already dreading some of the FB pics!!
So Anne, Kriss, Jac, Allison, Dot, Suzie, Mandy, Cary, Paula, Rena, Marie, Louise, Angela and My good self board the party bus to get the show on the road. Putting on a bit of Robbie Williams to get us in the mood, Leeds is displayed around the bus on all the screens and on the giant plasma at the back of the bus. With the 2 extra bottles of fizz, we have 5 in total and someone comments that we might not get through them all in an hour- thats a challenge if I've ever heard one! We have a right laugh as we go on our cruise and I'm really pleased that the party bus is a hit! Peppa decides to try a bit of piggy pole dancing - she told us she was a quiet little piggy; well what a load of porkies that was!
We arrive at the theatre and outside there are a number of fountains! PMSL @ Paula, well she loves a good fountain! Assembling for our photo call outside the bus, the driver is happy to oblige with a pic or two and we wave him off as we head into the theatre out of the cold. Finding our seats, we are pleased to see that we are really close to the stage and have the whole row to ourselves...! Thanks to our mate JK for sorting out those tickets :) A quick pit stop at the bar takes us into the foyer of the Winter Gardens - they have done an amazing job refurbishing the place and there was really a sense of occasion about the venue. Perfect for the entertainment in store that evening....
Now if you haven't heard about the show, and you want to read the proper review check out HERE for more info.
Let Me Entertain You was everything that One Night of Robbie Williams was last year.... and more! The performances that night in Blackpool were high energy, polished and perfected. The Crew were up on their feet and bouncing through most of the show. Even Paula and her little bump were bouncing! There were a couple of the new Crew who had not seen the show before, and they were completely blown away. Complete with a revised set list and some new tracks we were loving our Robbie-fix. Video Killed the Radio Star was a highlight; not to mention all the old favourites. Peppa got so excited at one part in the show, she jumped right out of Lou's hand and pig-apulted (well she didn't catapult, what do you think she is, a kitty??!!) herself onto the stage... that pig loves JK!
Upon leaving the theatre, we follow Kriss as she is our (Brendan Coach Trip!) guide whilst in Blackpool and we head to the nearest bar - which turns out to be the bar we were in yesterday. Bagsy-ing a table and mine-sweeping chairs and stools from all around the bar we get comfy for a couple of bevvies and to have a de-brief on the evening so far.
There is a couple sat on the table next to us and we are amusing them with our chatter and chair dancing! We spot the jukebox on the wall and so does our new friend sat next door, so he goes to pick a few tracks and of course he puts a couple of Robbie tunes on for us! Thanks mister! Making friends everywhere we go.... :) Of course whenever we hear Rob we can't help but sing and this was no exception. More drink? Oh if you insist... so we get another whip going. The bottles (not glasses, yes bottles) of Vino are going down a treat. Cue a couple of texts and we decide to change venue. Out of the side door, cross the road and straight into another bar! I won't lie to you, it was already an immense evening!

A little later, Kriss gets up to do a duet with JK... and for the 2nd time that night we hear "Things". What a laugh... proper banter between the two of them and the Crew are again on their feet, as are most of the bar. At the end of the performance, Kriss gets a resounding "You're Hired" from JK and as she plans to run away with the band I go and get another round in with the help of Anne. Jac and Allison are in great form, Rena & Paula are enjoying the buzz, Angel-aahhh is busy chatting to JK's uncle (the Irish connection LOL) Dot has her feet up at the bar - well after wearing those shoes are you surprised? Cary & Suze are LOLLING at the old duffer that is chatting up Mand. We always attract them, its true! Marie offers to two time Mickey B and in a u-turn decides she wasnt to be with Kriss instead. Oh it's all going on... Anne and I have only turned our back for 2 mins hehe! When the band finish, a DJ plays a few tunes (well a guy with laptop - god must be getting old as there wasn't a record in sight pmsl!) We of course put a few requests in and have a bop and sing along. Yes, we entertain for free ladies and gentlemen!
We acost JK for some pics and Lou wants to give him his pressie - a t-shirt - there's only one word to say about that... SHABBA! You gotta love Robbie for that one! As usual JK is happy to oblige and we gingerly hand over our cameras to some drunken strangers in the pub... There's a mixed bag of pics from them (always the case) and half of the Crew decide its that time to head back to the hotel to recharge their batteries & hit the hay. The rest of us stay put for... yes.... you've guessed it... a lock in! Well it wouldn't be a PV Crew Do without one!
Sat around the table, we are engaged in some right good chat with the occasional pit stop to head to the bar for a refill. However the bar has ran out of lemon AND lime for our Coronas (ma ma ma myyy Corona) so we have to recycle and nick the slice from our last drink. Classy but needs must... Speaking of classy, we continue to take pissed up pics and laugh at the ones from earlier - which include Marie having a drink with Jesus and JK. yes thats right who's in the house... Jesus in the house!
Speaking of time, we check our watches and see its 4.30am... another night of epic proportions. Lots of laughs and girlie chat. Plenty of Robbie-ness as per usual. Bevvies galore. Some singing, some dancing and a lot of pics! With our Halos on and a trail of feathers left behind us, we thank the bar staff for looking after us and thank JK for entertaining us and bid them farewell. Back at the hotel, the sensible people are already in bed, the semi sensible people decide to head to bed and Lou and I decide to have a cocksucking cowboy. At 5am. Disgrace is not the word. Wouldn't want to change a single thing about the night. Bloody loved it and all that were involved in it!
The next morning we head down for brekkie - Angel-aahhh pulls a sicknote for the 2nd day and Cary nicknames her "Angela Power-less!" We get stuck in to the soakage prepared by Kriss' uncle - mega nom noms... If you're ever in Blackpool do stop by the Colris Hotel on the Central Prom. The hospitality is second to none and their breakfast is BANG TIDY!
Back up in the rooms, its the mammoth task of packing and as per usual we end up taking home more than we came with. Dividing out the booze and remaining snacks to make sure they go to a good home, packing up the Crew kits of shot pots, boas and halos... This is the bit that I don't like. And as the girls start to depart one by one, we know that its the end of another crack-ling weekend courtesy of some of the best friends you could want. The PV Crew.
I'm not gonna lie to ya, I was feeling kinda fed up the last few weeks as had PMD (Post-Meet Depression) Having written this it's given me the chance to revisit all the fun we had... All I can say is bring on my Birthday and bring on Take That... Lets 'Ave It!